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On this page you can specify some other (additional) settings for Dr.Web ICAPD:

Notification templates—path to directory on the station containing templates for HTML pages generation. These pages are returned to the user in case restriction access to websites or instead of downloading malicious files.

PID file—path to Dr.Web ICAPD PID file with information on the PID, UNIX socket or port number (depending on what is used for interaction) that is saved on the Dr.Web ICAPD startup.

Maximum size of memory block—maximum size of the memory block which can be allocated by Dr.Web ICAPD at a time. If random access memory is enough, this parameter value can be increased for better performance.

Write timeout—timeout for a sockets of Dr.Web ICAPD to wait for data to be received, in seconds. When at least one byte is received/sent, the waiting counter is reset. If 0 is specified, the wait time is unlimited. The parameter manages the connections established by Dr.Web ICAPD, not only with a web proxy but with Dr.Web Daemon as well.

User—user whose privileges are used by Dr.Web ICAPD.

Cache—path to the directory where temporary files of Dr.Web ICAPD are created and stored.