Conventions and Abbreviations |
Conventions The following symbols and text conventions are used in this guide:
Abbreviations The following abbreviations will be used in the Manual without further interpretation: •DNS—Domain Name System, •Dr.Web GUS—Dr.Web Global Update System, •FQDN—Fully Qualified Domain Name, •FS—File System, •FTP—File Transfer Protocol, •HTML—HyperText Markup Language, •HTTP—HyperText Transfer Prоtocоl, •HTTPS—Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, •ICAP—Internet Content Adaptation Protocol, •IP—Internet Protocol, •LAN—Local Area Network, •LKM—Linux Kernel Module, •MBR—Master Boot Record, •MIME—Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, •OS—Operating System, •PC—Personal Computer, •SMB—Server Message Block, •SSL—Secure Socket Layers, •TCP—Transmission Control Protocol, •TLS—Transport Layer Security, •URL—Uniform Resource Locator. |