Dr.Web for Windows Components

For stations under Windows OS, the following anti-virus components are provided:

Dr.Web Scanner, Dr.Web Agent Scanner

Scans a computer on user demand and according to the schedule. Also, the remote launch of the anti-virus scan of stations from the Control Center including rootkits check is supported.


You can find the description of Dr.Web Agent, Scanner settings and remote scan launch via the Control Center in the Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Administrator Manual.

SpIDer Guard

The constant file system protection in the real-time mode. Checks all launched processes and also created files on hard drives and opened files on the removable media.

SpIDer Mail

Checks all incoming and outgoing mail messages when using the mail clients.

The spam filter is also available (if the license permits this function).

SpIDer Gate

Checks all calls to websites via the HTTP, XMPP (Jabber), and TLS (SSL) protocols. Neutralizes malicious software in HTTP traffic (for example, in uploaded and downloaded files) and blocks the access to suspicious or incorrect resources.

Office Control

Controls access to network and local resources, in particular, limits access to websites. Allows to control the integrity of important files from the accidental change or virus infecting and limit the access to unwanted information for employees.


Protects computers from external unauthorized access and prevents leak of vital data via the Internet. Monitors connection attempts and data transfer via the Internet and blocks suspicious connections both on network and application levels.


Isolates malware and suspicious objects in the specific folder.


You can find the description of how to manage Quarantine via the Control Center in the Administrator Manual.


Protects files and folders of Enterprise Security Suite from unauthorized or accidental removal and modification by user or malicious software. If self-protection is enabled, access to files and folders of Enterprise Security Suite is granted to Dr.Web processes only.

Preventive Protection

Prevents from potential security threats. Controls the access to the operating system critical objects, controls drivers loading, programs autorun and system services operation and also monitors running processes and blocks them in case of detection of viral activity.