Functional Analysis

Functional analysis specifies the set of predefined conditions by which applications are allowed or prohibited to be launched in accordance with the functions performed.

Functional analysis is configured in the General → Functional analysis criteria section of the profile preferences.


If no criteria are enabled in the Functional analysis criteria section, the profile itself will be disabled.


If none of the criteria in the Functional analysis criteria section has an additional settings specified and allow and deny modes are disabled, the profile itself will be disabled.

To configure functional analysis

1.In the Functional analysis criteria section, set the flags for categories you want to use:

Application launch,

Modules load and execution,

Launch of script interpreters,

Drivers loading,

MSI packages installation,

Executable files integrity.

Recommendations for using the functional analysis criteria described in the Appendices document, in the Chapter 3: Frequently asked questions. Functional analysis criteria section.


If you configure a profile for the first time, then at enabling each of criterion, its permissive categories in additional settings are automatically enabled.

This feature is used as a security measure if, after applying settings of allow or deny modes, the objects of the operating system necessary for the operation of the station are blocked.

Further, if necessary, you can disable these permissive categories in additional settings.

2.To specify the additional settings for the selected criterion, click icon-general-edit Edit next to the corresponding criterion. The window with the settings list will be opened.

Functional analysis additional settings can be either permitting or prohibiting the launch of applications.

Set the flags for those settings that must be followed.

3.If you enable any of criterion but do not specify its additional settings, then the launch will be controlled for all objects under this criterion in accordance with the settings of allow or deny modes.

For example:

If the Launch of script interpreters criterion is set but its additional settings are not set, then the launch of all script interpreters will be controlled in accordance with the settings of allow or deny modes.

If the Launch of script interpreters criterion is set and its additional setting Prevent running of scripts from removable media is set, then only running of scripts from removable media will be forbidden.

4.If you specify additional settings, but do not enable the use of the criterion itself, neither the additional settings nor the criterion itself will be used.

5.To save the additional settings, click Save in the window with the additional settings list.

6.To save the settings of the functional analysis, click Save in the window with profile settings.