After each saving of changes in the Web server configuration section, the backup copy of the previous version of the web server configuration file is saved automatically. Only 10 last copies are stored.
Files are placed in the same folder as the configuration file itself and named according to the following format:
You can use created backup copies, particularly to restore the configuration file if the Control Center interface is not available.
To set the configuration parameters of the Web server
1.Select the Administration item in the main menu of the Control Center. 2.Select Web server configuration in the control menu. A window with Web server configuration will be opened.

Values of fields, marked with the * sign, must be obligatory specified.
3.On the toolbar, the following buttons to manage the section settings are available: Restart Dr.Web Server—restart the Server to apply changes that have been specified in this section. The button become enabled after you specified the changes in the section settings ans click Save.
Restore configuration from the backup—drop-down list with the backup of all section settings, which you can restore after making changes. The button become enabled after you specified the changes in the section settings ans click Save.
Reset all parameters to initial values—restore the values that all parameters in this section had before current editing (last saved values).
Reset all parameters to default values—restore default values of all parameters in this section.
4.To apply the changes specified in the section settings, click Save, after this the Server must be rebooted. To do this, click Restart Dr.Web Server on the toolbar of this section.