H7.3. Dr.Web Server Remote Diagnostics Utility

Dr.Web Server remote diagnostics utility allows remotely connect to Dr.Web Server for basic controlling and viewing the operation statistics. Graphical version of the utility is available for Windows OS only.

You can download the utility via the Control Center, the Administration item in the main menu, the Utilities item in the control menu:

For Windows OS—graphical version.

For UNIX system-based OS—console version.

The following versions of Dr.Web Server remote diagnostics utility are provided:

Executable file




Control Center, the Administration → Utilities section

Independent version of the utility. Can be launched from any directory or on any computer with corresponding operating system.

The webmin/utilities Server directory


The bin Server directory

Utility version depends on server libraries. Can be launched only from its location directory.


The drweb-cntl-<OS>-<bitness> and drwcntl version of the utility are similar in their functions. Further in the section, the drwcntl version is given, but all examples are relevant for both versions.


For connection of the Server remote diagnostics utility, you must enable Dr.Web Server FrontDoor extension. To do this, in the Dr.Web Server configuration section, on the Modules tab, set the Dr.Web Server FrontDoor extension flag.


For connection of the Server remote diagnostics utility, administrator that connects via the utility, must have the Use additional features permission. Otherwise, access to the Server via the remote diagnostics utility will be forbidden.


For connection of the utility (both graphical and console) using TLS, you must directly specify the protocol when setting the Server address: ssl://<IP address or DNS name>.

The Server settings to connect Dr.Web Server remote diagnostics utility are given in the Administrator Manual, p. Dr.Web Server Remote Access.

Utility Console Version

The start instruction format

drwcntl [-?|-h|--help] [+<log_file>] [<server> [<login> [<password>]]]


-? -h --help—show help message on commands for using the utility.

<log_file>—write all utility actions into the log file by the specified path.

<server>—address string of the Server, to which the utility connects, in the following format: [(tcp|ssl)://]<IP address or DNS name>[:<port>].

To be able to connect via the one of the supported protocols, it is necessary to meet the following conditions:

a)To connect via ssl, in the frontdoor.conf configuration file, the <ssl /> tag must be set. At this, the connection can be established via ssl only.

b)To connect via tcp, in the frontdoor.conf configuration file, the <ssl /> tag must be disabled (commented). At this, the connection can be established via tcp only.

If connection parameters are not set in the Server address string, the following values are used:


Default value

Connection protocol



For the TCP connection, the Use TLS flag must be cleared in the Control Center, in the Administration → Dr.Web Server remote access section. This disables the <ssl /> tag in the frontdoor.conf configuration file.

IP address or DNS name of the Server

Utility prompts you to specify the Server addres in the corresponding format.




At the Server, allowed port is set in the Dr.Web Server Remote Access section and saved in the frontdoor.conf configuration file. If the alternative port is used in this section, it is neccessary to set this port directly when connecting the utility.

<login>—login of the Server administrator.

<password>—administrative password to access the Server.

If administrative login and password are not set in the connection string, the utility prompts you to specify corresponding credentials.

Possible commands

cache <operation>—operations with file cache. To request the certain operation, use the following commands:

clear—clear the file cache,

list—show all file cache content,

matched <regular expression>—show file cache content which matches the specified regular expression,

maxfilesize [<size>]—show/set maximal size of preloaded file objects. When launched without additional parameters, shows the current size. To set the size, specify necessary size in bytes after the command name.

statistics—show statistics of file cache usage.

calculate <function>—calculate specified sequence. To request the certain sequence, use the following commands:

hash [<standard>] [<string>]—calculate hash of specified string. To set the certain standard, use the following commands:

gost—calculate hash of specified string according to the GHOST standard,

md5—calculate md5 hash of specified string,

sha—calculate hash of specified string according to the SHA standard,

sha1—calculate hash of specified string according to the SHA1 standard,

sha224—calculate hash of specified string according to the SHA224 standard,

sha256—calculate hash of specified string according to the SHA256 standard,

sha384—calculate hash of specified string according to the SHA384 standard,

sha512—calculate hash of specified string according to the SHA512 standard.

hmac [<standard>] [<string>]—calculate HMAC of specified string. To set the certain standard, use the following commands:

md5—calculate the HMAC-MD5 for the specified string,

sha256—calculate the HMAC-SHA256 for the specified string.

random—generate random number,

uuid—calculate unique identifier.

clients <operation>—get information and manage clients connected to the Server. To request the certain function, use the following commands:

addresses [<regular expression>]—show stations network addresses that match specified regular expression. If the regular expression is not specified, show addresses of all stations.

caddresses [<regular expression>]—show the number of station IP addresses that match specified regular expression. If the regular expression is not specified, show the number of all stations.

chosts [<regular expression>]—show the number of station computer names that match specified regular expression. If the regular expression is not specified, show the number of all stations.

cids [<regular expression>]—show the number of station identifiers that match specified regular expression. If the regular expression is not specified, show the number of all stations.

cnames [<regular expression>]—show the number of station names that match specified regular expression. If the regular expression is not specified, show the number of all stations.

disconnect [<regular expression>]—terminate current active connections with stations whose identifiers match specified regular expression. If the regular expression is not specified, terminate connection with all connected stations.

enable [<mode>]—show/set the mode of accepting clients at the Server. When launched without additional parameters, shows the current mode. To set the mode, use the following additional commands:

on—accept all client connections.

off—reject all client connections.

hosts <regular expression>—show station computer names that match specified regular expression.

ids <regular expression>—show station identifiers that match specified regular expression.

names <regular expression>—show station names that match specified regular expression.

online <regular expression>—show online time of the stations whose identifier, name or address match specified regular expression. Online time starts from the moment of last connection of the stations to the Server.

statistics <regular expression>—show statistics on number of clients that match specified regular expression.

traffic <regular expression>—show traffic information of currently connected clients that match specified regular expression.

core—write the Server process dump.

cpu <parameter>—show statistics of the computer CPU usage on which the Server is installed. To request the certain parameter, use the following commands:

clear—delete all accumulated statistic data,

day—show CPU loading graph for the current day,

disable—disable monitoring of CPU loading,

enable—enable monitoring of CPU loading,

hour—show CPU loading graph for the current hour,

load—show average CPU loading,

minute—show CPU loading graph for the passed minute,

rawd—show numeric statistic on CPU loading for the day,

rawh—show numeric statistic on CPU loading for the last hour,

rawl—show numeric statistic on average CPU loading,

rawm—show numeric statistic on CPU loading for the last minute,

status—show the monitoring state of CPU loading.

debug <parameter>—debug configuration. To set the certain parameter, use the additional commands. To refine the additional commands list, you can call the help by the ? debug command.


The debug signal comman is available for the Servers under UNIX system-based OS only.

die—stop the Server and write the Server process dump.


The die command is available for the Servers under UNIX system-based OS only.

dwcp <parameter>—set/show Dr.Web Control Protocol (includes Server, Agent and Agent installers protocols) options. Allowed parameters:

compression <mode>—set the one of the following traffic compression modes:

on—compression enabled,

off—compression disabled,

possible—compression is possible.

encryption <mode>—set the one of the following traffic encryption modes:

on—encryption enabled,

off—encryption disabled,

possible—encryption is possible.

show—show current Dr.Web Control Protocol options.

io <parameter>—show input/output statistics of the Server process. To request the certain parameter, use the following command:

clear—delete all accumulated statistic data,

disable—disable statistics monitoring,

enable—enable statistics monitoring,

rawdr—show numeric statistic on data read for the day,

rawdw—show numeric statistic on data write for the day,

rawh—show numeric statistic for the last hour,

rawm—show numeric statistic for the last minute,

rday—show data read graph for the current day,

rhour—show data read graph for the last hour,

rminute—show data read graph for the last minute,

status—show statistics monitoring state,

wday—show data write graph for the day,

whour—show data write graph for the last hour,

wminute—show data write graph for the last minute.

log <parameter>—write the string to the Server log file or set/view the log verbosity level. Depending on the specified parameters, the following actions are performed:

log <string>—write the specified string to the Server log file with the NOTICE verbosity level.

log \s [<level>]—set/show the log verbosity level. If the command launched with the \s command with no level specified, the current verbosity level is shown. Available values of the log verbosity level: ALL, DEBUG3, DEBUG2, DEBUG1, DEBUG, TRACE3, TRACE2, TRACE1, TRACE, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRIT.

lua—execute Lua script.

mallopt <parameter>—set the parameters of the memory allocation. To set the certain parameter, use the additional commands. To refine the additional commands list, you can call the help by the ? mallopt command.


The mallopt command is available for the Servers under Linux system-based OS only.

To get more details on the command parameters features, refer the description of the mallopt() function from the glibc library. To get the help on this function, you can use the man mallopt command.

memory <parameter>—show statistics of the computer memory usage on which the Server is installed. To request the certain parameter, use the following commands:

all—shoe all information and statistic data,

heap—show information on dynamic memory,

malloc—show statistic on memory allocation,

sizes—show statistic on allocated memory sizes,

system—show information on system memory.


The memory command is available for the Servers under Windows OS, Linux system-based OS and FreeBSD system-based OS only. At this, the following limitations on additional parameters of the memory command are active:

system—for the Servers under Windows OS, Linux system-based OS only,

heap—for the Servers under Windows OS, Linux system-based OS only,

malloc—for the Servers under Linux system-based OS and FreeBSD system-based OS only,

sizes—for the Servers under Linux system-based OS and FreeBSD system-based OS only.

monitoring <mode>—set/show monitoring mode of CPU (the cpu <parameter> command) and I/O (the io <parameter> command) resources usage by the Server process. Allowed parameters:

disable—disable monitoring,

enable—enable monitoring,

show—show current mode.

printstat—write the Server operation statistic to the log.

reload—reload Dr.Web Server FrontDoor extension.

repository <parameter>—repository management. To request the certain function, use the following commands:

all—show the list of all repository products and the number of all files by products,

clear—clear cache content not depending on the TTL value of the objects in the cache,

fill—read all repository files into cache,

keep—store all repository files currently in the cache forever, not depending on their TTL value,

loaded—show the list of all repository products and the number of all files by products which are currently in the cache,

reload—reload repository from disk,

statistics—show repository updates statistics.

restart—restart the Server.

show <parameter>—show the information about the system on which the Server is installed. To set the certain parameter, use the additional commands. To refine the additional commands list, you can call the help by the ? show command.


The following limitations on additional parameters of the show command are active:

memory—for the Servers under Windows OS, Linux system-based OS only,

mapping—for the Servers under Windows OS, Linux system-based OS only,

limits—for the Servers under UNIX system-based OS only,

processors—for the Servers under Linux system-based OS only.

sql—execute SQL query.

stop—stop the Server.

traffic <parameter>—show statistic on the Server network traffic. To request the certain parameter, use the following commands:

all—show all the traffic from the Server start.

incremental—show traffic incrementation from the last launch of the traffic incremental command.

last—show traffic incrementation from the last stored point.

store—create the stored point for the last command.

update <parameter>—get information and manage updates. To request the certain function, use the following commands:

active—show the list of Agents which are currently updating.

agent [<mode>]—show/set the mode of updating the Agents from the Server. When launched without additional parameters, shows the current mode. To set the mode, use the following additional commands:

on—enable Agents updates.

off—disable Agents updates.

gus—launch the repository update from the GUS ignoring the GUS update state.

http [<mode>]—show/set the mode of updating the Server repository from the GUS. When launched without additional parameters, shows the current mode. To set the mode, use the following additional commands:

on—enable repository updating from the GUS.

off—disable repository updating from the GUS.

inactive—show the list of Agents which are not currently updating.

track [<mode>]—show/set the mode of tracking the Agents update. When launched without additional parameters, shows the current mode. To set the mode, use the following additional commands:

on—enable Agents update tracking.

off—disable Agents update tracking. At this, the update active command will not show the list of currently updating Agents.