H6. Dr.Web Server Installer for UNIX System-Based OS |
The start instruction format <package_name>.run [<switches>] [--] [<arguments>] where: •[--]—separate optional sign, determines the end of the switches list and separates the switches list and the additional arguments list. •[<arguments>]—additional arguments or embedded scripts. Switches to get help or information on the package •--help—show the help on switches. •--info—show extended information on the package: the name; destination folder; unpacked size; compression algorithm; compression date; the version of makeself which is used for packing; the command user for packing; the script that will be launched after unpacking; whether the archive content will be copied into the temporary folder or not (if no, nothing shown); whether the destination folder stored or will be deleted after the script execution. •--list—show the list of files in the installation package. •--check—check integrity of the installation package. Switches to run the package •--confirm—ask before running embedded script. •--noexec—do not run embedded script. •--target <folder>—extract the installation package to the specified folder. •--tar <argument_1> [<argument_2> ...]—get access the contents of the installation package through the tar command. Additional arguments •--help—show the help on additional arguments. •--quiet—run the installer in the background mode. The affirmative answer is used for all the following questions of the installer: ▫accept the license agreement, ▫set back up into the default folder, ▫continue the installation provided that extra distribution kit installed in the system will be deleted. •--clean—install the package with Server default settings not using the backup to restore the settings from the previous installation. •--preseed <path>—path to the configuration file with predefined answers on installer questions during the installation. Variables to specify the predefined answers in the configuration file: ▫DEFAULT_BACKUP_DIR=<path>—path to the backup that is used for restoring the settings from the previous version (is not used if you set the installation not applying restore from the backup). ▫QUIET_INSTALL=[0|1]—defines the usage of the installer background mode: ▪0—run the installer in the background mode; ▪1—run the installer in the regular mode. ▫CLEAN_INSTALL=[0|1]—defines the usage of backup during the installation: ▪0—install not applying backup; ▪1—install applying restore from the backup located in the folder from the DEFAULT_BACKUP_DIR variable. If the DEFAULT_BACKUP_DIR variable is not specified, backup is taken from the /var/tmp/drwcs. ▫ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password>—password for default administrator account (admin). ▪If the ADMIN_PASSWORD variable is specified in the file, its value is used as the administrator password and the following message is displayed at the end of the installation: ▪If the ADMIN_PASSWORD variable is not specified in the file, the password is generated automatically and the following message is displayed at the end of the installation: