Installing Dr.Web Server for UNIX System-Based OS


Installation should be carried out in console under superuser account (root).

To install Dr.Web Server on a UNIX system-based OS

1.To start installing the Server, use the following command:



To launch the installation package, you can use command line switches. Parameters of command line launch are given in the Appendices document, p. H6. Dr.Web Server Installer for UNIX System-Based OS


By default, administrator's name is admin.

2.Next, the text of the license agreement presented. To proceed the installation, you must accept the license agreement.

3.On a request  of backup folder, specify the path to the necessary folder or confirm default backup folder—/var/tmp/drwcs.

4.If the extra distribution kit is detected in the system, you will be informed about deletion of the extra distribution kit before installation of the Server package. You cannot continue the installation without deletion of extra distribution kit.

5.Then the program components will be installed on your computer. In the course of the installation you can be asked to confirm some actions as the administrator.

6.During the installation, a random password is generated for the main administrator. After the installation is complete, this password is printed in the console into the Server installation results.


Created administrator password is saved in the Server database. If necessary, you can refine this password via the database management tools if you use external database or via the drwidbsh utility for the embedded database (for more details, see the Applications document, p. Restoring the Password of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Administrator).


In the course of the installation of Dr.Web Server for FreeBSD OS an rc script /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drwcsd will be created.

Use the following commands:

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/drwcsd stop—manually stop the Server,

/usr/local/etc/rc.d/drwcsd start—manually start the Server.


Please note, during the Server installation, the license key is not specified. License keys must be added after installation of the Server, via the License Manager.

Configuring Astra Linux of Version 1.6 for Installing Dr.Web Server in the ESE Mode

At the installation of the Server in the Astra Linux OS of version 1.6 that operates in the ESE (Enclosed Software Environment) mode, you may be failed to launch the installer because the public encryption key of Dr.Web Server is not in the trusted keys list. In this case, you must pre-configure the ESE mode, and restart the installer.

To pre-configure the ESE mode

1.Install the astra-digsig-oldkeys package from the OS installation disk, if the package is not yet installed.

2.Place the public encryption key of Dr.Web Server to the /etc/digsig/keys/legacy/keys directory (if the directory is missing, you must create it).

3.Run the following command:

# update-initramfs -k all -u

4.Restart the system.