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To get help on Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite, click • • The Support page contains the following elements: 1.Links to support resources •Forum—opens official Doctor Web forums. •News—opens Doctor Web news page. •Contact technical support service—opens Doctor Web technical support page. •Send a suspicious file—opens a web form for sending a potential threat to the Doctor Web Virus Laboratory. •Doctor Web wikipedia—go to the knowledge base containing information about Doctor Web products (in Russian). •Report false alarm in Office Control—opens a web form for sending a message about false alarm or detection failure in Office Control module. 2.The Documentation section. Every document here is available in HTML and also PDF, as long as you set the flag next to your current interface language and check the box to update PDF documentation in General repository configuration → Dr.Web Server → Documentation. Click the required document name to open it in HTML. You can open the same document in PDF by clicking •Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite installation and use (administrator documentation) Manuals in this subsection provide in-depth representation of how the Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite service works. Materials grouped here let you understand the procedure of deploying and setting up the complex anti-virus protection and aspects of its components' interaction with third-party software. You can also review the latest updates available in the Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite version you have installed at the moment. •Managing the workstations protected by Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite (administrator documentation) These manuals contain information about configuration and centralized administration of different Doctor Web products, when they are included in the Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite anti-virus network. •User Documentation These materials contain detailed information about installation and configuration of different Doctor Web products, as well as recommendations on their use and troubleshooting that users may need.