Terminating Running Components by Type


When you use this option, running scans are terminated, the Scanner stops and running monitors are paused.

To interrupt all running components of a certain type

1.Select Anti-virus network in the main menu of the Control Center, then in the hierarchical list of the opened window select necessary group or separate workstations.

2.In the toolbar of anti-virus network, click icon-components Components management. In the drop-down list select icon-components-pause Interrupt running components.

3.In the opened panel, set the flags against components types which you want to interrupt immediately:

Interrupt Dr.Web Agent Scanner launched by Task Scheduler—to stop active scan by Dr.Web Agent Scanner which was launched manually by administrator via the Control Center.

Interrupt Dr.Web Agent Scanner launched by administrator—to stop active scan by Dr.Web Agent Scanner which was launched according to centralized schedule.

Interrupt Dr.Web Scanner launched by user—to stop active scan by Dr.Web Scanner which was launched by a user on the station.

Interrupt SpIDer Guard, SpIDer Mail, SpIDer Gate, Office Control, Firewall, Self-protection and Preventive protection—to pause corresponding components.

To select all types of interrupting components, set the flag against the header of the Interrupt running components panel.

4.Click Interrupt.