Interface |
On the Interface tab, you can specify the parameters of the Agent interface: •Enable the Show icon in taskbar option to display Agent icon in the taskbar. If icon is disabled, user cannot view and edit settings of Agent and the anti-virus package. •Enable the Show reboot request on components update option to display a request on station reboot if the station has received updates of anti-virus components which require reboot to be applied. If the option is disabled, request is not displayed at the station and the automatic reboot is not performed. Statistics of a station received by the Control Center, contains notification on the need of station reboot. Information on a state that requires reboot is displayed in the State table. Administrator is able to reboot a station from the Control Center if necessary.
To select the type of events to be received by user, enable the corresponding options: •Critical notifications—receive only critical notifications on the following events: ▫connections waiting for Firewall to reply are detected; ▫login (identifier) of the station and password are already used for connection to Dr.Web Server. The notification shows, if the user has administrator privileges. •Threat notifications—receive only notifications about threats. This type of notification includes messages about threats detection by one of the anti-virus software components. •Major notifications—receive only important notifications on the following events: ▫time limit set for working on the computer is about to expire; ▫access to a device is blocked; ▫access to a protected object is blocked by Preventive Protection; ▫attempt to change system date and time is blocked; ▫virus databases are out-of-date (when operating in Mobile mode); ▫new product version is available; ▫process launch is blocked by the administrator from the Control Center; ▫MSI package installation is blocked by the administrator from the Control Center; ▫script launch is blocked by the administrator from the Control Center; ▫object loading is blocked for the process; ▫creation of the executable file is blocked for the process; ▫modification of the executable file is blocked for the process. •Minor notifications—receive only minor notifications on the following events: ▫successful update; ▫update failures; ▫time limit set for the internet use is about to expire; ▫URL is blocked by Office Control; ▫URL is blocked by SpIDer Gate; ▫access to the protected object is blocked by Office Control; ▫scan of a station is run by administrator from the Control Center; ▫scan of a station is run according to a central schedule; ▫scan of a station is finished. If you want messages of all the groups to be sent, enable all the four options. Otherwise only messages of the specified groups will be displayed.
In the Additional subsection, you can specify the following settings: •Enable the Do not show notifications in full-screen mode option to disable popup notifications if any program is running in full-screen mode. •Enable the Display Firewall notifications on separate desktop in full-screen mode option to display Dr.Web Firewall notifications on a separate desktop, i.e. on top of a running full-screen application. It is recommended that you enable this option to avoid blocking network connections that are used by this full screen mode application without a possibility to enable them when the Dr.Web Firewall request is received. |