G7.5. Dr.Web Repository Loader


Graphical version of the Repository Loader utility is described in the Administrator Manual document, in the p. Appendix G. Command Line Parameters of the Programs Included in Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite.

The following versions of Dr.Web Repository Loader console utility are provided:

Executable file




Control Center, the Administration → Utilities section

Independent version of the utility. Can be launched from any directory or on any computer with corresponding operating system.

The webmin/utilities Dr.Web Server directory


The bin Dr.Web Server directory

Utility version depends on server libraries. Can be launched only from its location directory.


The drweb-reploader-<OS>-<bitness> and drwreploader version of the utility are similar in their functions. Further in the section, the drwreploader version is given, but all examples are relevant for both versions.

To simplify specifying the switches to run the console utility, you can use the Repository Loader configuration file. In the pre-installed configuration file, the switches values correspond to the default values listed below, except the --ssh-auth switch: its value is redefined to the pubkey in the configuration file.

Possible Switches

--archive—archive the repository. Default is no.

--auth <argument>—credentials for authorization on the update server in the following format: <user>[:<password>].

--cert-file <path>—path to the root certificates storage for SSL authorization.

--cert-mode [<argument>]—the type of SSL certificates that will be automatically accepted. This option is used only for secure protocols that support encrypting.

The <argument> may take one of the following values:

any—accept all certificates,

valid—accept only valid certificates,

drweb—accept only Dr.Web certificates,

custom—accept user-defined certificates.

The drweb value is used by default.

--config <path>—path to the Repository Loader configuration file.

--cwd <path>—path to the current working directory.

--ipc—enable the transfer of data on the utility operation to the standard output stream. Default is no.

--help—show help message on switches.

--license-key <path>—path to the license key file (the key file or its MD5 hash must be specified).

--log <path>—path to the log file on the repository downloading process.

--mode <mode>—updates loading mode:

repo—repository is downloaded in the Dr.Web Server repository format. Loaded files can be directly imported via the Control Center as the Dr.Web Server repository updates. Value is used by default.

mirror—repository is downloaded in the GUS updates zone format. Loaded files can be placed on the updates mirror in your local network. Further, Dr.Web Servers can be configured to receive updates directly from this updates mirror containing the last version of the repository but not from the GUS servers.

--only-bases—download only virus databases. Default is no.

--path <argument>—download the repository from GUS to the folder specified as <argument>. When you archive the repository using the --archive switch, you can specify the path either to the folder name or to the archive file name. If the archive name is not specified, the repository.zip default name is used.

--product <argument>—updated product. By default, entire repository is downloaded.

--prohibit-cdn—deny CDN usage when downloading updates. Default is no, i.e. CDN is allowed to be used.

--proto <protocol>—updates loading protocol: file | ftp | ftps | http | https | scp | sftp | smb | smbs. Default is https.

--proxy-auth <argument>—data for authentication on the proxy server: user login and password in the following format: <login>[:<password>].

--proxy-host <argument>—proxy server address specified in the following format: <server>[:<port>]. Default is 3128.

--rotate <N><f>,<M><u>—Repository Loader log rotation mode. Same as the Dr.Web Server log rotation.

By default, it is 10,10m, which means storing of 10 files 10 megabytes each, use compression.

--servers <argument>—GUS servers addresses. It is recommended to leave the default value: esuite.geo.drweb.com.

--show-products—show the list of GUS products. Default is no.

--ssh-auth <type>—type of the authorization on the update server when accessing by SCP/SFTP. For the <type> parameter, the one of the following values is allowed:

pwd—authorization using a password. A password is set in the --auth switch.

pubkey—authorization using a public key. You must specify a private key in the --ssh-prikey switch to extract corresponding public key.

--ssh-prikey <path>—path to the SSH private key.

--ssh-pubkey <path>—path to the SSH public key.

--strict—terminate downloading if an error occurred. Default is no.

--update-key <path>—path to a public key or to a folder with a public key to validate the signature of updates that are loaded from GUS. The update-key-*.upub public keys to validate updates can be found on Dr.Web Server in the etc folder.

--update-url <argument>—GUS servers folder where updates of Dr.Web products are located. It is recommended to leave the default value: /update.

--V — show the utility version.

--verbosity <details_level>—log level of detail. TRACE3 is by default. Allowed values are: ALL, DEBUG3, DEBUG2, DEBUG1, DEBUG, TRACE3, TRACE2, TRACE1, TRACE, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, CRIT. The ALL and DEBUG3 values are synonyms.

--version <version>—the Dr.Web Server version to download the updates for, in the following format: <major_version>.<minor_version>. For example, for Dr.Web Server of version 13, the <version> parameter is 13.00. The availability of updates for specific products may differ depending on Dr.Web Server version. One way to confirm the available products is to check the <products> parameter description for Repository loader's configuration file in the manual for desired version.

Switches Usage Features

When launching the Repository Loader, please note the following rules:

Switches must be obligatory specified







If the following switches take one of the values:

--cert-mode valid | drweb | custom,

--proto https | ftps | smbs.


If the following switches take one of the values:

--proto sftp | scp,

--ssh-auth pubkey.

Examples of Use

1.To create an imported archive with all products:

drwreploader.exe --path C:\Temp --archive --license-key C:\agent.key --update-key "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Server\etc" --cert-file "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Server\etc"

2.To create an imported archive with virus bases:

drwreploader.exe --path C:\Temp --archive --license-key "C:\agent.key" --update-key "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Server\etc" --cert-file "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Server\etc" -only-bases

3.To create an imported archive with Dr.Web Server only:

drwreploader.exe --path C:\Temp --archive --license-key "C:\agent.key" --update-key "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Server\etc" --cert-file "C:\Program Files\DrWeb Server\etc" --product=20-drwcs