Response in XML Format

To receive a response in the XML format, send a request in the following format:



<host>—IP address or DNS name of a computer with the Dr.Web Server installed;

<object>—managed object: station, group, Dr.Web Server, administrator, Quarantine.

Available request scripts and their parameters are described in the following sections:

3. Station Handling,

4. Group Handling,

5. Dr.Web Server Handling,

6. Quarantine Handling,

7. Administrator Handling,

8. Administrator Group Handling.

The “-” sign in script title can be replaced with the “_” sign. Thus, responses to requests based on installed-components.ds or installed_components.ds scripts will be the same.

As a response, you receive an XML document that looks like this:

<drweb-es-api api_version="4.3.2" timestamp="1579467853" server="" srv_version="" status="true">
  <!-- etc. Skipped in documentation -->

Attributes of the <drweb-es-api /> root element:




Current Web API version


Dr.Web Server GMT time (Unix timestamp format)


Dr.Web Server domain name or IP address


Full version of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite


Request status. true—means a request has been processed successfully, false—means an error occurred and a request has not been processed.

If there was any error (status=’false’) during the operation, the XML document would include the <error /> element, with error description and code. The error would be described in the <message /> element, and error code would be in the <errno /> element.

<drweb-es-api api_version="4.3.2" timestamp="1579450629" server="" srv_version="" status="false">

     <message>Unable to remove group '411dac63-2a3e-4ce8-af4f-1fbeb94242ef': You cannot remove the system group</message>

See Appendix C. Returned Error Codes for a list of possible error codes.

Date and time in all elements of all Web API 4.3.2 scripts are returned in the Unix timestamp format.