
The Dr. Web section displays the summary of information on the Doctor Web product installed on the computer. The information is displayed on two tabs: the General tab on the left contains general information about the product, while the Settings comparison tab on the right lists the product settings changed from the default ones.

Information on the General tab is divided into collapsible blocks:

Product info

Installed components

Installed products

Launched modules

License files

Anti-virus databases

Installed software

To collapse the block, click the menu_bar_open icon. To expand it again, click menu_bar_close. Data in each block is presented in a table. You can sort them in the descending/ascending order by clicking toggle in the respective column.

Product info

The table in this section lists the following data on the Dr.Web product installed on the computer:

Version: the product version;

Hash: the checksum of the application file;

Path: the location of the program folder;

Repository: the path to the repository;

Path to bases: the location of the anti-virus databases.

Installed components

The table in this section lists the following data on the anti-virus components:

Name: name of the component;

Status: whether the component is installed or not. If it is installed, the tick icon appears in this column.

Installed products

The table in this section lists the following data on the Doctor Web products:

Name: name of the product;

Date created: the date when the product file was created.

Launched modules

The table in this section lists the following data on the active modules of the anti-virus:

PID: process ID;

Name: name of the module;

Version: version of the module;

License files

The table in this section lists the following data on the license files of the Dr.Web product:

File name: name of the license file;

User number: a unique number of the license holder;

User name: user name of the license holder;

Date created: date and time when the license file was created;

Expires: license expiration date and time;

Computers: number of devices where you can use the product according to the terms of the license;

Applications: the list of product applications;

Setting: the list of components, which are covered or not covered by the license.

To expand the information in a cell, click unfurl.

Anti-virus databases

The table in this section lists the following data on the databases of virus signatures used by Dr.Web to identify malicious code:

File name: name of the file with the virus signature database;

Number of records: number of recorded virus signatures in the database;

Version: version of the database;

Unix timestamp: Unix time of the latest update of the database;

Date: date and time of the latest update of the database;

Type of detects: types of malicious code identified by the signatures in the database (such as viruses, adware, and so on).

Installed software

The table in this section lists the following data on the Dr.Web product installed on the computer:



uninstall script.