Component interaction setup
To enable and set up interaction between components the script is used. It uses default settings which may be changed:
• | In the /etc/drweb/drweblotus-setup.conf file you can specify the path to the Lotus Domino server, user and server launch group name, sockets used by the drwebd and drweblotusd daemons and some additional parameters. |
• | If you did not select the Run interactive postinstall script checkbox during installation, specify the ENABLE=1 parameter in the /etc/drweb/drwebd.enable and /etc/drweb/drweb-lotusd.enable files to enable daemons (drwebd и drweblotusd). |
After you make sure that the settings are correct, run the /opt/drweb/scripts/lotus/ script which will set up the interaction of the Lotus Domino server with the plug-in. The script performs the following actions:
• | Creates necessary NSF databases in the /local/notesdata/DrWeb directory. |
• | Creates necessary mnemonic links to binary files of Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino. |
Signing the service databases
After installation it is necessary to sign the new Domino server databases used by Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino. If you do not sign the databases then the plug-in will not be able to automatically generate reports and clean the Quarantine.
To sign the databases:
1. | Make sure that you have administrator rights for the Lotus Domino server. |
2. | Start the Lotus Domino server. |
3. | Start the Domino Administrator client. |
4. | Click the Open Server item in the File menu and select the server where Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino is installed. |
5. | In the Files tab select all the Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino databases from the DrWeb subdirectory of the Lotus Domino Data folder. The databases are: DrWebAdmin.nsf, DrWebDesign.nsf, Quarantine.nsf, DrWebReports.nsf, DrWebHelp.nsf, DrWebLog.nsf, DrWebSpam.nsf. |
6. | Right click the databases and select the Sign… item for them or click the Sign… item in the Tools --> Database menu in the right part of the Domino Administrator client. |
7. | Select Active Server`s ID in the Sign Database window and click OK. |
Key file access setup
If you did not select the Run interactive postinstall script checkbox during installation, it is necessary to specify the path to the key file and enable access to it for all components which require it:
• | After receiving the Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino key file it is necessary to enable reading access for the account from which the Lotus Domino server is started. Then it is necessary to specify a path to the key file as LicenseFile parameter value in the StandaloneMode section in the /etc/drweb/agent.conf configuration file |
• | If you also received the anti-virus daemon (drwebd) key file, it is necessary to enable reading access for the drweb user. Then it is necessary to make sure that the path to the key file in the Key parameter of the daemon settings file (/etc/drweb/drweb32.ini) is specified correctly, e.g. Key=/opt/drweb/drweb32.key |
Starting the daemons
If you did not select the Run interactive postinstall script checkbox during installation (thus, the script of program components adjustment did not run), then it is necessary to start the daemons (drwebd и drweblotusd).
To start the drwebd anti-virus daemon:
• | Execute the following command: service drwebd start |
The daemon will then start automatically every time the OS launches.
To start the drweblotusd auxiliary daemon:
• | Execute the following command: service drweb-lotusd start |
The daemon will then start automatically every time the OS launches.
Launch and Configure Dr.Web Monitor
If you did not select the Run interactive postinstall script checkbox during installation (thus, the script of program components adjustment did not run), then it is necessary to configure Dr.Web Monitor.
To configure Dr.Web Monitor:
1. | Open the /etc/drweb/drweb-monitor.enable file and set the parameter value ENABLE=1. |
2. | Launch Dr.Web Monitor by the following command: |
/etc/init.d/drweb-monitor start
Make sure that there were no start up errors.