Managing Distribution of Reports

Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino can generate and distribute reports on the operation of the plug-in. These reports are sent as e-mail attachments (HTML files) to addresses which can be specified by the administrator. The reports are based on the list of documents in the Incidents tab of the Statistics frame.

At the top of the Reports frame (see illustration below) is a list of report types which you can set up. There are six types of reports:

All incidents
Incidents by recipients
Most recent viruses
Spam count
Who are most virused ever
Who are most spammed ever


For each type of reports you can specify the subject header and recipients of the e-mail messages with the report type in the Header and Recipients entry fields under the list of report types (Mail settings group box).

To add one or several Lotus Domino clients or a client group to the Recipients field:

Click the Add button next to the entry field and select them in the opened dialog box.

In the Manual reports group box you can adjust the dates of incidents for which you wish to manually generate the selected type of reports.

To generate reports manually:

1.Select the necessary report type.
2.Specify the dates in the From and To entry fields.
3.Click the Generate button above the list of report types.

In the Scheduled reports group box you can adjust the schedule for automatic distribution of the selected report type.

To enable scheduled distribution:

1.Select the Enable check box.
2.Specify the number of days (preceding the current day) for which you wish to generate reports (i.e. if you specify “1” then only yesterday`s incidents will be included into the report; “2” - incidents which occurred in the last two days; etc.).
3.Specify the periodicity, date and time for report distribution
4.Click Save.



You cannot set up scheduled reports for the current day. To send a report which would include today’s incidents, you have to generate it by specifying a range with the current date in the Manual reports group box.