Conventions and Abbreviations


The following symbols and text conventions are used in this guide:



An important note or instruction.

A warning about possible errors or important notes that require special attention.

Anti-virus network

A new term or an emphasis on a term in descriptions.




Names of buttons, windows, menu items and other program interface elements.


Names of keyboard keys.


Names of files and folders, code examples.

Cross-references to document chapters or internal hyperlinks to webpages.

Commands entered in the command line using a keyboard (in a terminal or a terminal emulator) are marked with the command prompt character $ (% in case of macOS) or # in the manual. The character indicates the privileges required for running the specified command. According to the standard convention for UNIX-based systems,

$ indicates that the command can be run with user privileges;

# indicates that the command must be run with superuser (usually root) privileges. To elevate the privileges, use the su and sudo commands.


The following abbreviations are not expanded in the text of the Manual:

HTTP—Hypertext Transfer Protocol;

OS—Operating System;

URL—Uniform Resource Locator.