The utility file name is generated as follows: drweb-mirror-<version>-<OS>-<architecture>, for example, drweb-mirror-1.0-linux-amd64 or drweb-mirror-1.0-freebsd-x86. In the case of macOS, since the executable file is a multi-arch application, an architecture is not indicated in the file name: drweb-mirror-1.0-macos.
Typical paths of the required resources are provided below.
OSes of the GNU/Linux family
Key file
/Library/Application Support/DrWeb/keys/drweb32.key
Directory with resource files for virus databases
For systems based on the AArch64 architecture:
/Library/Application Support/DrWeb/var/drl/bases/aarch64
For systems based on the x86_64 architecture:
/Library/Application Support/DrWeb/var/drl/bases/x86_64
Directory with resource files for antispam databases
Not applicable
Directory with resource files for unwanted website databases
/Library/Application Support/DrWeb/dws
Each directory indicated in the table contains zone.ini and update.drl files, one of which should be copied (together with the key file) to the computer for downloading updates.
To determine actual paths to directories with resource files for databases, run the following commands:
•for virus databases:
$ drweb-ctl cfshow Update.BaseDrlDir
•for antispam databases:
$ drweb-ctl cfshow Update.AntispamDrlDir
•for unwanted website databases:
$ drweb-ctl cfshow Update.DwsDrlDir