Listing all detected threats
Unrestricted. No special permission required
List archive contents
(display only corrupted or malicious elements)
Unrestricted. No special permission required
Moving to quarantine
Unrestricted. The user can quarantine all infected files regardless of read or write permissions on them
Deleting threats
The user needs to have write permissions for the file that is being deleted.

If threat is detected in a file located in a container (an archive, email message, and so on), its removal is replaced with moving of a container to quarantine.
Unrestricted. The access permissions and owner of a cured file remain the same after curing.

The file can be removed if deletion can cure the detected threat.
Restoring a file from quarantine
The user should have permissions to read the file and to write to the restore directory
Deleting a file from quarantine
The user must possess write permissions to the file that was moved to quarantine