File Structure

The configuration file complies with the rules indicated below.

The file content is separated into named sections. Allowed section names are strictly set and cannot be arbitrary. A section name is specified in square brackets and is identical to the name of the Dr.Web Security Space component that uses parameters of this section (except for the [Root] section, which stores parameters of the Dr.Web ConfigD configuration daemon).

The ; or # characters in the beginning of the lines of the configuration file indicate a comment. Such lines are skipped by Dr.Web Security Space components while reading configuration parameters from the configuration file.

Each line in the file can contain only one parameter:

<parameter> = <value>

All parameter names are strictly set and cannot be arbitrary.

All section and parameter names are case-insensitive. Parameter values, except for names of directories and files in paths (for UNIX-like OSes), are also case-insensitive.

Parameter values in the configuration file must be enclosed in quotation marks if these values contain spaces.

Some parameters can accept multiple values. If so, the values are either comma-separated or specified several times in different lines of the configuration file. In the former case, spaces around a comma are ignored. If a space character is a part of a parameter value, the entire value must be enclosed in quotation marks.

You can specify multiple values as:

oа comma-separated list:

Parameter = "Value1", "Value2","Value 3"

oа sequence of lines in the configuration file:

Parameter = Value2
Parameter = Value1
Parameter = "Value 3"

The order of values is unimportant.

Paths to files are always enclosed in quotation marks when separated by commas, for example:

ExcludedPaths = "/etc/file1", "/etc/file2"

For the description of the sections of the configuration file, see the description of the Dr.Web Security Space components using it.