Estimated result
Overall assessment of possible maliciousness.
Clean file
Suspicious file
Brief information on the file behavior and detected threats.
Tags added by a user or by a triggered YARA rule.
File size.
File format.
File hash.
In this field, you can put any additional information you may need. There is a limit of 200 characters for a comment.
Analysis started
Date and time the analysis started. It is counted from the moment the file was launched on a virtual machine.
Use of VNC
Use of the VNC client during the analysis (yes/no).
Sample run time
Sample run time that was specified in the additional settings of analysis.
Total analysis time
Total duration of file analysis.
Command to run the file
The command specified in the additional settings to run the file you are analyzing.
Sample name
The name of the file that was sent for analysis. More…
Connection type
The type of the connection. More…
Monitor all processes if VNC is used
Monitor all processes if VNC is used (yes/no). More…
Total size limit for drops
The limit on the total size of files generated during analysis. More…
Enable auto clicker
Enable auto clicker (yes/no).
Сopy full raw hypervisor log
Сopy full raw hypervisor log (yes/no).
Flex sample time
Use flex sample time (yes/no).
Forward the specified ports from guest VM
Forward the specified ports from guest VM. Example: 2343, 4353:tcp.
Get *.lib files and raw dumps
Get *.lib files and raw dumps (yes/no).
Maximum number of triggered breakpoints
Set the maximum number of triggered breakpoints.
Lifetime of processes in seconds
Set the lifetime of processes. Example: notepad.exe,35,winword.exe,20.
Start user batch script before sample
Start a user batch script before running the sample.
Set system date
Set a system date on VM on which the analysis is performed. Example: 17.03.2022.
Dump browser modules
Dump browser modules (yes/no).
Dump memory-mapped files (only after execution)
Dump memory-mapped files (only after execution) (yes/no).
Dump SSDT (yes/no).
Dump processes (only after execution)
Dump processes (yes/no).
Get all allocs and drops
Get all allocs and drops (yes/no).
Size of Crypto API buffers limit in MB
Set size of Crypto API buffers limit in MB. Example: 512.
Injects count limit
Set a limit for injects. Example: 100.
WriteFile buffers limit in MB
Set WriteFile buffers limit in MB. Example: 256.