
Get API key

To get an API key, send the POST login request with the login and password:

Get API key created earlier

To get one of the created API keys, specify the parameter value new_key: false or just do not specify the parameter:

curl -X POST https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/login \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-d "{\"login\":\"example@drweb.com\", \"password\":\"secret_password\"}"

You receive a response with the API key (the API key is required to be specified in the header of each subsequent request):


   "new_key": false,

   "api_key": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",

   "start_date": "2019-02-08T04:08:15.162342+00:00"


Create API key

To create a new API key, specify the parameter value new_key: true (if you have not got any API keys created, you do not have to specify the parameter—API key will be created anyway):

curl -X POST https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/login \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-d "{\"login\":\"example@drweb.com\", \"password\":\"secret_password\", \"new_key\": true, \"name\":\"example_name_api"}"

You receive a response with the API key (the API key is required to be specified in the header of each subsequent request):


  "new_key": true,

  "api_key": "bbbbbbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee-ffffffffffff",

  "start_date": "2019-03-08T04:08:15.162342+00:00",

  "name": "example_name_api"


Upload a sample to the Dr.Web vxCube server

To upload a sample to the server, send the POST samples request:

curl -X POST https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/samples \

-F "file=@testfile.pdf" \

-H "Authorization: api-key aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee"

In response, you receive the Sample object that contains data about the uploaded file including the file format identified automatically and a list of supported platforms. Use the received data for the further file analysis.



   "id": 6784,

   "size": 10881846,

   "name": "testfile.pdf",

   "is_x64": null,

   "format_name": "pdf",

   "upload_date": "2019-02-08T04:08:15.162343+00:00",

   "md5": "34fb8ae3c01653985085ee7e2f749ea5",

   "sha1": "00a610100a3516f4d0daa33e7de317d2ddb6c2c6",

   "sha256": "11bd131be00cbe1c43b4444ec4300dc7651805ea36393b1cca1675983dc275bc",

   "platforms": [







Start analysis

To start analysis of a sample, send the POST analyses request:

curl -X POST https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/analyses \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "Authorization: api-key aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee" \

-d "{\"sample_id\":\"6784\", \"platforms\":[\"acrobat_7_32_11\", \"acrobat_7_64_15\"]}"

In the request, the uploaded file ID and the list of platforms are specified. The values are taken from the response for the previous request.

To start analysis of a sample using network traffic redirection, send the POST analyses request:

curl -X POST https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/analyses \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "Authorization: api-key aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee" \

-d "{\"sample_id\":\"6784\", \"platforms\":[\"acrobat_7_32_11\", \"acrobat_7_64_15\",

\"net\": \"socks5://username:password@<proxyaddress>:1080?udp=on\"}"]}"

In response, you receive the Analysis object that contains general analysis information:


   "id": 6260,

   "sample_id": 6784,

   "size": 10881846,

   "sha1": "00a610100a3516f4d0daa33e7de317d2ddb6c2c6",

   "start_date": "2019-02-08T04:08:15.162343+00:00",

   "format_name": "pdf",

   "user_name": "example@drweb.com",

   "tasks": [{

     "rules": {

       "neutral": [

         "Creating a window",

         "Launching a process"



     "detects": [




     "end_date": "2019-02-08T15:51:05.186896+00:00",

     "platform_code": "acrobat_7_64_15",

     "maliciousness": 6,

     "id": 18676,

     "status": "successful",

     "start_date": "2019-02-08T15:32:50.643122+00:00",

     "verdict": "clean1"

   }, {

     "end_date": "2019-02-08T15:50:01.943030+00:00",

     "platform_code": "acrobat_7_32_11",

     "maliciousness": 6,

     "id": 18675,

     "status": "successful",

     "start_date": "2019-02-08T04:08:15.632924+00:00",

     "rules": {

       "neutral": [

         "Creating a window",

         "Creating a file in the %temp% directory"



     "detects": [




     "verdict": "clean1"



 "sha1": "00a610186a3526f4d0daa28e7de317d2ddb6c2c6"


Get information about analysis

To get detailed information about analysis, wait for the analysis to finish, and then send the GET analyses/<analysis_id:uuid>> request. In the request, specify the analysis ID:

curl -X GET https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/analyses/60e21c98-7c2a-4112-81b5-a577f6cdf4db \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "Authorization: api-key aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee"

In response, you receive the Analysis object:


   "id": 60e21c98-7c2a-4112-81b5-a577f6cdf4db,

   "sample_id": 6784,

   "size": 10881846,

   "sha1": "00a610100a3516f4d0daa33e7de317d2ddb6c2c6",

   "start_date": "2019-02-08T04:08:15.162343+00:00",

   "format_name": "pdf",

   "user_name": "example@drweb.com",

   "tasks": [{

     "rules": {

       "neutral": [

         "Creating a window",

         "Launching a process"



     "detects": [




     "end_date": "2019-02-08T15:51:05.186896+00:00",

     "platform_code": "acrobat_7_64_15",

     "maliciousness": 6,

     "id": 18676,

     "status": "successful",

     "start_date": "2019-02-08T15:32:50.643122+00:00",

     "verdict": "clean1"

   }, {

     "end_date": "2019-02-08T15:50:01.943030+00:00",

     "platform_code": "acrobat_7_32_11",

     "maliciousness": 6,

     "id": 18675,

     "status": "successful",

     "start_date": "2019-02-08T04:08:15.632924+00:00",

     "rules": {

       "neutral": [

         "Creating a window",

         "Creating a file in the %temp% directory"



     "detects": [




     "verdict": "clean1"



 "sha1": "00a610186a3526f4d0daa28e7de317d2ddb6c2c6"


Download report

To download an archived analysis report, send the GET analyses/<analysis_id:uuid>/archive request:

curl -X GET https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/analyses/40e2fc98-1c2a-4112-81b5-a57df2cd22db/archive \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "Authorization: api-key aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee" \

-o <output_archive>

To download one of the report files, send the GET tasks/<task_id:number>/archive_storage request. A request example for downloading the PCAP file:

curl -X GET https://<IP address/domain name of the server>/api-2.0/tasks/18681/archive_storage \

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

-H "Authorization: api-key aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee" \

-d "{\"path\": \"network.pcap\"}" \

-o some_file