Testing the Anti-virus |
Testing the Anti-virus with EICAR file The EICAR (European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research) test file helps to test performance of anti-virus programs that detect viruses using signature analysis. For this purpose, most of the anti-virus software vendors generally use a standard test.com program. This program was designed specially so that users could test reaction of newly-installed anti-virus tools to virus detection without compromising security of their computers. Although the test.com program is not actually a virus, it is treated by the majority of anti-viruses as if it were a virus. On detection of this file, Dr.Web reports the following: EICAR Test File (Not a Virus!). Other anti-virus tools alert users in a similar way. The test.com program is a 68-byte COM-file that prints the following line on the console when executed: EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE! The file test.com contains the following character string only: X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* To make your own test file with the “virus”, create a new file with this line and save it as test.com.
Testing the Anti-Virus with CloudCar file To check the Dr.Web Cloud service, use the CloudCar test file by AMTSO (Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization). This file is specially created to check cloud service operation. It is not a virus. To check Dr.Web Cloud operation 1.Make sure the usage of the Dr.Web Cloud service is enabled. 2.Download the test file. For that, go to https://www.amtso.org/feature-settings-check-cloud-lookups/ and click Download the CloudCar Testfile in the webpage. 3.If the SpIDer Guard is installed and enabled, Dr.Web automatically moves the file to quarantine after the file is saved to the computer. If the SpIDer Guard is not installed or disabled, scan the downloaded file. For that, select the Check with Dr.Web option in the context menu of the file shortcut. 4.Check that the test file is processed by Dr.Web as CLOUD:AMTSO.Test.Virus. The CLOUD prefix in the threat name indicates correct Dr.Web Cloud operation. |