Automatic Launch of Scanning

During installation of Dr.Web, an anti-virus scan task is automatically created in the Task Scheduler (the task is disabled by default).

To view task settings, open Control Panel (extended view)Administrative Tools Task Scheduler.

From the task list, select the scan task. You can enable the task, adjust trigger time, and set required parameters.

On the General page, you can review general information and security options on a certain task. On the Triggers and Conditions pages, various conditions for task launching are specified. To review event log, open the Log page.

You can also create your own anti-virus scan tasks. For details on the system scheduler operation, please refer to the Help system and Windows documentation.


If installed components include Firewall, after Dr.Web installation and the first system restart Task Scheduler will be blocked by Firewall. Scheduled tasks will operate only after a second restart when a new rule is already created.