Removing Dr.Web Agent for Windows OS |
Uninstalling Dr.Web Agent and Anti-Virus Package Remotely
To uninstall the anti-virus software from a workstation (for Windows OS only) 1.Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center. 2.In the opened window select the necessary group or certain anti-virus stations. 3.Click 4.The Agent software and the anti-virus package will be removed from the workstations selected.
Uninstalling Dr.Web Agent and Anti-Virus Package Locally
You can remove the station anti-virus software (Agent and anti-virus package) by the two ways: 1.By means of standard Windows OS services. 2.By using the Agent installer.
Removing by Means of Standard Windows OS Services
To remove the Agent and the anti-virus package, use standard Windows OS tools: the Add or Remove Programs element in Control Panel (see the Agent User Manual for details). Removing by Using the Agent Installer •Client module win-es-agent-setup.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package by using the client module which is created during the Agent setup, run the win-es-agent-setup.exe installation file with the /instMode remove parameter. Additionally use the /silent no parameter, if you want to control the process. The win-es-agent-setup.exe installation file is located in the following folder by default: ▫For Windows XP OS and Windows Server 2003 OS: ▫For Windows Vista OS and later and Windows Server 2008 OS and later: For example, for Windows 7, where %ALLUSERPROFILE% corresponds to С:\ProgramData:
•Personal installation package drweb_ess_<OS>_<station>.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package by using the installation package, run the drweb_ess_<OS>_<station>.exe installation file of the currently installed version. •Full installer drweb-12.00.0-<build>-esuite-agent-full-windows.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package by using the full installer, run the drweb-12.00.0-<build>-esuite-agent-full-windows.exe installation file of the currently installed version. •Network installer drwinst.exe To remove the Agent software and the anti-virus package from a workstation locally by using the network installer, run in the installation folder of the Agent (by default C:\Program Files\DrWeb) the drwinst.exe installer with the /instMode remove parameter. Additionally use the /silent no parameter, if you want to control the process. For example: