Automatic Licenses Update |
Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite license can be automatically updated. Automatic update of licenses includes the following issues: •When a license key is expiring, it can be automatically replaced by the program with a license key that has been purchased in advance. •Automatic update is performed for a specific license key for which the renewal has been purchased. •The license key for the automatic update is placed on Doctor Web company servers until its expiration date. Procedure of Automatic Update of Licenses The procedure of automatic update of licenses are launched in the following cases: •When administrator clicks the •When the Update repository task from the Dr.Web Server schedule is executing. At this, the Update license keys flag must be set in the task settings.
The procedure of automatic update of licenses contains the following stages: 1.Check the presence of a license key on Doctor Web company servers (GUS). 2.Download a license key from the GUS to Dr.Web Server with further adding the key into the database and the License Manager. 3.Propagate the new license key on objects of the previous key. Depending on the results of each stage, the procedure can be completed on any of them. The following results of the automatic update are possible: 1.The license key for automatic update is absent on GUS. No actions are performed. 2.The license key for automatic update is available on GUS. The compound of licenses components differs in the current and the new keys (the new key does not have any of components from the current key) or/and the new license key has fewer licenses than the current license key. A new license is downloaded from Doctor Web company servers, is added into the License Manager and the Dr.Web Server database but not propagated on licensing objects. In this case, a license key must be propagated manually. Administrator will receive the License key cannot be automatically updated notification. The specific reason why the license key cannot be automatically propagated, is given in the notification. 3.The license key for automatic update is available on GUS. The compound of licensed components is matched in the current and the new license keys or the new key licensing more components than the current key but it includes all components of the current key; the number of licenses in the new license key is more or equal the number of licenses in the current license key. A new license is downloaded from Doctor Web company servers, is added into the License Manager and the Dr.Web Server database and propagated on all licensing objects on which the previous license has been propagated including neighbor Dr.Web Servers. The old license will be removed when it will not be used by any of the child Dr.Web Servers. Thus, if at the moment of the automatic update the child Dr.Web Server has been offline, the old license is stored until this child Dr.Web Server will be connected. The old license will be stored until administrator remove it manually in the following cases: •If the license received during the automatic update cannot be propagated on the child Dr.Web Server (Dr.Web Server is always offline). •In version of the used protocol of the neighbor Dr.Web Server does not support the automatic update functional. At this, licenses will be donated to a neighbor Dr.Web Server but will not be propagated. Administrator will receive the License key automatically updated notification. Notifications about the update are sent from each Dr.Web Server that got the new license.
Manual Update of Licenses If you purchased a license key for automatic update of your current key, you do not need to add a new key manually in the License Manager. Depending on the situation (variant 2 in the procedure above), you may need only manual propagating on the licensing objects. But if before the procedure of automatic update of licenses, you have added via the License Manager a new key that is purposed for automatic update according to the 3 variant (see the procedure above), when during the task execution, only the propagation of a new license key is performed. At this, the following variants are possible: a)A new license key has been propagated manually on all objects of the previous (updated) key. In this case, during the execution of the update task, no changes will be made. b)A new license key has been propagated manually not on all objects of the previous (updated) key. In this case, during the execution of the update task, a new key will be propagated on all other objects of the previous key that still have not received the update. If a new license key has been manually propagated in addition on objects that were not in the list of the previous key, when after execution of the task, a new key remains propagated on these objects as well. At this, the following variants are possible: •Number of licenses is enough for all licensing objects: for objects of the previous key and for objects assigned to a new key manually. This situation is possible if a new key contains more licenses. In this case, during the execution of the update task, no changes will be made. •Number of licenses is not enough for all licensing objects that the previous key has, because licenses have been assigned manually to other objects. For objects that did not get a license, the update will not performed, but the previous key will be deleted anyway and the objects will remain without a license. When an available license appears, all objects that did not get a license, will receive a new license key. At this, the actions depend on a type of licensing objects: ▫If a stations of this Dr.Web Server did not get licenses from a new key, when the check of available licenses will be performed at each attempt of a station connection to Dr.Web Server. If an available license is found on a station connect, this license will be assigned to the station. ▫If a neighbor Dr.Web Server did not get licenses from a new key, when the check of available licenses will be performed automatically about once in a minute. When available licenses appear, they will be donated to neighbor Dr.Web Servers. License Key File Please note the following features of automatic update: •During the automatic update, a new license is downloaded from Doctor Web company servers, its information is saved in the Dr.Web Server database and is displayed in the License Manager. A license key file is not created. •To get a license key file, use the Administration → License Manager → Export the key option. Also, a license key file can be get by executing the Automatic update of a license key user hook. •When a license is removed, its information is deleted from the License Manager and from the Dr.Web Server database, but a license key file is remained in the Dr.Web Server folder. |