Using an Anti-Virus Network with Several Dr.Web Servers |
The peculiarity of a multi-server network is that updates from Dr.Web GUS servers can be received by a part of Dr.Web Servers (as a rule, one or several parent Dr.Web Servers) and update tasks should be scheduled on these Dr.Web Servers only (for information on how to set Dr.Web Servers schedule, read p. Setting Dr.Web Server Schedule). Any Dr.Web Server which has received updates from Dr.Web GUS servers or some other Dr.Web Servers distributes them immediately to all connected child Dr.Web Servers and those peer Dr.Web Servers for which this option is enabled.
The administrator can receive consolidated data about important events on network segments linked to any Dr.Web Server via interserver connections. To view information on events on all Dr.Web Servers linked to the current Dr.Web Server 1.Select Anti-virus Network item in the main menu of the Control Center. In the anti-virus network tree, in the Neighbors group, select the neighbor Dr.Web Server information of which you want to view. 2.In the control menu, select General → Hardware and software, to view the statistics on hardware and software on protected stations connected to the selected neighbor Dr.Web Server. Information given in this section, is the same as the information in the sections for stations connected to your Dr.Web Server (see Hardware and Software on Stations under Windows OS). 3.To view statistics on anti-virus components operation on protected stations connected to the selected neighbor Dr.Web Server, select corresponding item in the Statistics section of the control menu. Information given in this section, is the same as the information in the sections for stations connected to your Dr.Web Server (see Statistics). |