Dr.Web Repository Loader

If you cannot connect any of Dr.Web Servers to the internet, you can download the repository from GUS without using the Dr.Web Server software. To do this, use the standard Dr.Web Repository Loader utility.


To download the repository from GUS, you need a license key of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite or its MD5 hash which you can view in the Administration → License Manager section of in the Control Center.

You can launch Dr.Web Repository Loader in the following modes:

graphical version of the utility (under Windows OS only),

console version of the utility.

You can use a proxy server when downloading the repository from the GUS.


The composition of the repository products is described in the Administration of Dr.Web Server Repository section.

If the version of Dr.Web Server is changed, the list of products available for download will also change. Please click the Update list button in the list of products and ensure that all required products are selected.

Possible Uses

Download and manual replacement

1.Download the Dr.Web Server repository from GUS using the Dr.Web Repository Loader utility.

When downloading, create an archive of the repository:

a)When using the graphical utility: select the Load repository mode and select the Archive repository check box in the main utility window.

b)When using the console utility: use the --archive switch.

2.Copy the archive with the exported repository to the computer with Dr.Web Server to be updated.

Import the downloaded repository to Dr.Web Server via the Control Center from the Administration → Repository Content section.


If you use specific repository settings such as frozen revisions or if you update Dr.Web Agents only from the specified revision (not from the latest), then you should enable the Add missing revisions only option and disable the Import configuration files option when importing the repository.

Create the repository mirror on a local network server

1.Download the Dr.Web Server repository from GUS using the Dr.Web Repository Loader utility.

When downloading, set the Synchronize update mirror option in the main utility window.

2.Upload the downloaded repository to your LAN web server that will be used to propagate repository updates.

3.In the Administration → General Repository Configuration section, configure Dr.Web Server to receive updates from your local mirror and not from Dr.Web GUS. The protocol for downloading updates depends on the type of the server in step 2: HTTP/HTTPS for web server, FTP/FTPS for FTP server, etc. The exception is the FILE protocol—it cannot be used on network (see below).

Create the repository mirror on Dr.Web Server

1.Download the Dr.Web Server repository from GUS using the Dr.Web Repository Loader utility.

When downloading, set the Synchronize update mirror option in the main utility window.

2.Put the downloaded mirror in any folder on the computer where Dr.Web Server is installed.

3.In the Administration → General Repository Configuration section, configure receiving the updates via the FILE protocol.

In the Base URI field, specify the local path to the mirror folder. The List of Dr.Web Global Update System Servers parameter is not used.


Make sure that the mirror is located in the folder named 13.00. Note that the path in the Base URI field must be specified up to this folder, not including the folder itself.