Repository Content

The Repository content section allows to view and manage current repository content as files and folders of repository folder.

The main window of the Repository content section is represented as a hierarchical tree of repository content displaying all folders and files of the current repository version, with a list of all revisions available for each product.

View Repository Information

To view information about all repository objects, select an object in the hierarchical tree. The properties panel with the following information will be opened:

The Selected objects subsection contains detailed information about the object selected in the repository content tree: Type, Size (for separate files only), Creation date and Modification date.

The Repository state subsection contains general information about all repository objects: current list of objects and the date of the latest update.

Manage Repository

To manage repository content, use the following buttons on the toolbar:

icon-repository-export Export repository file to an archive,

icon-repository-import Import archive with repository files,

icon-updates-cancel Delete selected objects—permanently delete objects selected in the repository content tree.

Repository Export

To save repository files into a zip archive

To save the entire repository into an archive, click icon-repository-export Export repository files to an archive → All repository content on the toolbar. This will export the entire repository regardless of an object selected in the hierarchical tree.

To save only the latest revisions of all products into an archive, click icon-repository-export Export repository file to an archive → Last revisions of all products on the toolbar.

To save all configuration files of the repository into an archive, click icon-repository-export Export repository file to an archive → Configuration files on the toolbar. This will export all files from the root folder of the repository and the products.

To save specific repository objects into an archive, select them using the ctrl or shift keys and click icon-repository-export Export repository file to an archive → Selected objects on the toolbar.


When exporting a large amount of data, the duration of export may exceed the session time. If the session expires before the export is completed, the export process will be terminated automatically and the export data archive will not be generated.

Please note the general types of exported objects:

a)Zip archives of repository products. Such archives contain one of the following repository object types:

The entire repository.

The entire product.

The entire revision of a product.

Exported archives of these objects can be imported via the Repository content section. The name of such archives contains the repository_ prefix.

b)Zip archives of separate repository files.

Exported archives of separated files and folders, which are lower than the objects from the a) in the hierarchical tree, cannot be imported via the Repository content section. The name of such archives contains the files_ prefix.

Such archives can be used as a backup copy for manual replacement. However, it is recommended that you do not replace any repository files manually by bypassing the Repository content section.

Repository Import

To load repository files from a zip archive

1.Click icon-repository-import Import archive with repository files on the toolbar.

2.In the opened window, in the Select file section, specify a zip archive containing repository files using the icon-item-search button.

You can import only the zip archives generated during the export of one of the following repository object types:

The entire repository.

The entire product.

The entire revision of a product.

The name of such archives contains the repository_ prefix.

3.In the Import settings section, specify the following parameters:

Add missing revisions only—in this import mode, only the revisions missing from the current version of the repository will be added. Other revisions will remain unchanged.

Replace entire repository—in this import mode, the repository is fully replaced with the imported one.

Set the Import configuration files flag to import configuration files when importing the repository.

4.Click Import to start the import process.