Delayed Updates

On the Delayed updates tab, you can delay distribution of updates on stations for the specified period of time. A delayed revision is considered frozen.

The option to delay updates is useful when you need to temporarily cancel distribution of last product revision on all stations of the anti-virus network, e.g., if you want to perform preliminary testing of this revision on a limited number of stations.


It is not recommended to freeze revisions when switching between major versions. After disabling freezing, you may have problems when updating anti-virus software at stations.

To use delayed updates functional

1.For the product, update of which you want to freeze, configure delayed updates as described below.

2.To disable distribution of the last revision, set one of the previous revisions as a current on the Revision List tab.

3.For the group of stations that will receive the last revision, set the Receive the latest updates flag on the Anti-virus Network → Update Restrictions for Workstations section. Other workstations will receive the revision which you selected as current at step 2.

4.The next downloaded from the GUS revision which is satisfying the conditions specified for the Delay updates for the following files only option, will be frozen and delayed for the time period specified in the Change updates delay time list.

To configure delayed updates

1.Set the Delay updates flag to temporarily disable downloading updates from GUS servers for this product.

2.In the Updates delay time drop-down list, select the time period to delay downloading updates starting from the moment of their receive from the GUS servers.

3.If required, set the Delay updates for the following files only flag to delay distribution of updates that contain files which corresponds to the masks specified below. Masks are specified in the format of regular expressions.

If the flag is cleared, all updates from the GUS are frozen.

To disable the frozen state

On the Revision list tab, click icon-updates-exetute1 Execute immediately to disable the frozen state for the product and add the revision to the list of revisions distributed to stations according to the general procedure.

On the Revision list tab, click icon-updates-cancel Cancel update to disable the frozen state for the product and forbid the revision. Updating from the GUS is restored. Unfrozen revision will be removed from the list of product revisions. After the next revision is received, the unfrozen revision will be removed from the disk.

When the time specified in the Change updates delay time list is out, the revision becomes unfrozen and is included to the list of revisions distributed to stations according to the general procedure.

You can manage frozen revisions for all products on the Delayed Updates page.