Delayed Updates

In the Delayed Updates section, you can view the list of products which updating is temporarily disabled on the following page: Detailed repository configuration → <Product> → Delayed Updates. A delayed revision is considered frozen.

The table of frozen products contains the following information:

Repository folder—name of the folder where a frozen product resides:

05-drwmeta—Dr.Web Server security data,

10-drwbases—virus databases,

10-drwgatedb—SpIDer Gate bases,

10-drwspamdb—Anti-spam bases,

10-drwupgrade—Dr.Web Updater,

15-drwhashdb—known hashes of threats,

20-drwagent—Dr.Web Agent for Windows,

20-drwandroid11—Dr.Web for Android virus databases,

20-drwcs—Dr.Web Server,

20-drwunix—content filter databases for UNIX,


40-drwproxy—Dr.Web Proxy Server,

70-drwextra—Dr.Web enterprise products,

70-drwutils—Dr.Web administrative utilities,

80-drwnews—Doctor Web News.

Revision—number of the frozen revision.

Delayed till—time until update of the product is delayed.

When clicking the table row, another table with detailed information on the frozen revision of the corresponding product opens.

The option to delay updates is useful when you need to temporarily cancel distribution of last product revision on all stations of the anti-virus network, e.g., if you want to perform preliminary testing of this revision on a limited number of stations.

To use delayed updates functions, perform the actions described in the Detailed repository configuration → Delayed Updates section.

To manage delayed updates

1.Set the flags next to the products, for which you want to specify actions on delayed updates. To select all products, set the flag in the heading of frozen products table.

2.On the toolbar, select the required action:

icon-updates-execute Execute immediately—disable the frozen state for the product and add the revision to the list of revisions propagating according on stations according to the general procedure.

icon-updates-cancel Cancel update—disable the frozen state for the product and forbid the revision. Updating from the GUS will be restored. The unfrozen revision will be removed from the product revision list. Upon receipt of the next revision, the unfrozen one will be removed from the disk.

icon-updates-delay Change updates delay time—specify the time period for the product revision to be delayed. The reference time for a freeze is the moment of receiving the revision from the GUS.

3.If you did not specify an action to be applied upon removal of the frozen status, the revision becomes unfrozen when the time is out and is included to the list of revisions distributed to stations according to the general procedure.