Revision List

On the Revision list tab, you can view information on all revisions available on Dr.Web Server for this product.

To delete any revisions, set the flags next to these revisions and click icon-updates-cancel Delete selected revisions on the toolbar.


You cannot delete all revisions. A product must contain at least one revision.

To delete the whole product, use the Delete product from repository button.


Deleting revisions cannot be undone.

The table of revisions contains the following columns:

Column name



Automatic marker in this column defines the state of product revisions. Two types of markers are available:

icon-updates-distributedDistributed revision. Revision used for updating Dr.Web Agents and the anti-virus software on workstations.

Revision for distribution is selected as follows:

1.Revision indicated with the icon-updates-distributed marker in the Current column is distributed. Only one revision can be marked.

2.If no revision is marked in the Current column, the latest revision is distributed.

The automatic marker always indicates the distributed revision.

icon-updates-frozenFrozen revision. A frozen revision is not distributed to stations, new revisions are not downloaded from Dr.Web Server. For more on frozen revisions, refer to Delayed Updates.

If a revision is frozen, the revision for distribution is selected as follows:

1.If the icon-updates-distributed marker in the Current column is set, the current revision is distributed to stations.

2.If the icon-updates-distributed marker in the Current column is not set, the revision that precedes the current one is distributed to stations.


Set the icon-updates-distributed marker to specify the revision used for updating Dr.Web Agents and the anti-virus software on stations.

Only one revision can be selected as current.

Alternatively, you can choose to not set the marker that indicates the current revision.

See also Downgrade Product Revision.


Set the icon-updates-stored marker to save the revision when the repository is automatically cleaned up (see also Synchronization).

The marker can be set for multiple revisions simultaneously.

Alternatively, you can choose to not set the marker.

If the product revision is stable, you can mark it as stored. If an unstable revision gets downloaded from the GUS, you will be able to roll back to the previous one.


An automatic marker denotes that components from this revision are installed on stations with update restrictions (in the Update Restrictions for Workstations section, the Update only bases and Forbid all updates options are set).

The revision is not deleted when the repository is purged automatically and can be used if failed components must be reinstalled on a station or additional components of this revision must be installed.


The date the product revision was received.

If the revision is frozen, the blocking status displays in the column as well.

Downgrade product revision

The ability to downgrade products installed on stations to previous versions is determined by the following:

Products with databases (virus databases, SpIDer Gate databases, Anti-spam databases) can be downgraded at any time.

To downgrade Dr.Web Agent for Windows, enable the Allow revisions downgrade option in the Update Restrictions for Workstations section.


If you downgrade Dr.Web Agent for Windows to a previous revision (to install an earlier version of Dr.Web Agent on stations), the stations will be forced to restart in five minutes. You cannot change the interval or cancel the restart. Station users are notified about the upcoming restart in the popup message.

Other products (particularly, Trusted applications of the Application Control component) will ne downgrade if the Receive the latest updates flag is set in the Update Restrictions for Workstations section, or they are downgraded to revision marked as Current in the detailed configuration of the repository. In all other cases the downgrade is not performed, Dr.Web Server waits for new revision.