Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Servers Components

For the protection of UNIX Mail Servers, the following components are provided:


Dr.Web MailD

A component for scanning email messages. Analyzes the messages of email protocols, sorts out email messages and prepares them for scanning for threats. It can operate in two modes:

a filter for mail servers (Sendmail, Postfix, and so on) connected via the Milter interface, Spamd or Rspamd interfaces;

a transparent proxy of mail protocols (SMTP, POP3 and IMAP). Uses SpIDer Gate in this mode.

Dr.Web Anti-Spam Engine

A component for scanning email messages for spam. It is used by Dr.Web MailD, can be excluded from Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Servers on the station.


SpIDer Gate

A component for scanning network traffic and URLs. It is designed for scanning for threats all data downloaded to a local host from the network and sent from it to an external network. The component prevents from connecting to network hosts covered by the unwanted categories of web resources and black lists created by the system administrator.

Used by the Dr.Web MailD component in the mode of the transparent proxy of email protocols (SMTP, POP3, and IMAP).


The component is supplied only with the distributions designed for GNU/Linux OSes.


Dr.Web ClamD

A component emulating interface of ClamAV® anti-virus product. Enables all applications that support ClamAV® to use Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Servers for anti-virus scanning.


Dr.Web Agent for UNIX

An auxiliary component. Used for interaction of Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Servers installed on the station with Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite.

File Checker

Used by the Console Scanner to pass files to the Scanning Engine for scanning and to manage Quarantine on the station.

Network Checker

Used to pass data sent over the network by the components of the software suite to Scanning Engine for scanning. The component is used by all general components.

Scanning Engine

Used by File Checker and Network Checker for anti-virus scan and virus database management.

SNMP Agent

The component is designed for integration of Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Servers with external monitoring systems via the SNMP protocol.

Dr.Web ConfigD

Coordinates operation of all Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Servers components.

Dr.Web CloudD

A component receiving information from the cloud service about whether visited URLs and transferred files are dangerous.


A web server for managing Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Servers components. Provides the management web interface.