Removing Dr.Web Server for Unix-like OS


Deinstallation must be carried out under the superuser account (root).

To uninstall Dr.Web Server version 10 or later

Dr.Web Server OS



Run the script:



Run the script:



When uninstalling Dr.Web Server on FreeBSD and Linux OS, all Dr.Web Server operations will be immediately terminated; the database, key, and configuration files will be copied to the /var/tmp/drwcs default backup folder (a list of backed up files is given in the Upgrading Dr.Web Server for Unix-like OSs section).


To prevent a backup copy from being created when uninstalling Dr.Web Server, declare the SKIP_BACKUP variable with any value (for example, SKIP_BACKUP="x") in the common.conf file. The file is located in the following folder:

Linux OS: /var/opt/drwcs/etc

FreeBSD OS: /var/drwcs/etc

If the file does not exist yet, create it.