License Manager

In this section:

General Information.

Starting the License Manager.

License Activation.

Deleting License Key File.

General Information

License Manager allows to view information on the current license issued for the user of Dr.Web Security Space. License data is stored in a license key file that provides operation of Dr.Web Security Space on the user computer. If neither license key file nor demo key file is found on the computer, all Dr.Web Security Space functions (including the file scan, file system monitoring, virus database update) are blocked.

Starting the License Manager

License Manager page is available in the Dr.Web Security Space graphical interface. To open the page, click License on the main page.

If a key file associated with some license for Dr.Web Security Space granted to the user or with an active demo period is installed, the License Manager start page displays information about the license including its number, owner, and period retrieved from the key file.

The figure below shows appearance of the License Manager page.

Figure 20. License information page

To delete a license key file, click next to the license number.

The License Manager page will close if you select any other page by clicking a corresponding button on the navigation pane.

License Activation

To activate a license or a demo period via License Manager (in particular, to purchase a new license or renew the current one) and obtain the corresponding key file making Dr.Web Security Space functional, click Get new license. After that, the registration wizard opens. Note that the registration wizard also opens automatically when Dr.Web Security Space is started for the first time after installation.

In the first step, you must select an activation type. The following three types are available:

1.Activation of a license or a demo period using an available serial number.

2.Obtaining a demo period.

3.Installation of a key file obtained earlier.

To register a serial number or to get a demo period, an internet connection is required.

1. Activation of License or Demo Period Using a Serial Number

To activate a license or a demo period using an available serial number, enter it in the text field and click Activate.

Figure 21. Registration using a serial number

If you do not have a serial number or a valid key file, you can purchase the license at the official website of Doctor Web. To open the online store page, click Purchase license.


For information about other ways to purchase the license for Dr.Web products, refer to the Registration and Activation section.

Once you click Activate, a connection to the Doctor Web registration server will be established.

If the serial number specified in the first step corresponds to a license for two computers, you need to select the number of computers to run Dr.Web Security Space. If you select On two computers, you can activate the second serial number on another computer and receive another license key file. The registered licenses will have the same validity period (for example, one year). If you select On one computer, you must specify the second serial number from the kit. In this case, you will not be able to register this serial number later on another computer (or use on this computer a copy of the license key file received after the activation of the combined license), but the duration of the current license will be doubled (for example, extended to two years if the license period is one year).

Figure 22. Selecting the number of computers

After selecting the number of computers to activate the license on, click Next, and if you have selected On one computer, enter the second serial number from the kit in the next step of the wizard, and click Next once again.

Figure 23. Entering the second serial number from the kit

To continue the registration, click Next.

In the next step, you are prompted to specify a previous license.

Figure 24. Prompting to specify a previous license

If you have selected Specify the previous license, specify the previous license serial number or a path to the corresponding key file in the opened window.

Figure 25. Specifying a previous license

If you specify a license which is not expired, the new license period will be extended by the remaining period of the previous license.

To specify the previous license, you can either enter its serial number in the corresponding box or specify its key file. The previous license type can be selected in a drop-down list to the left of the input box. To specify the key file, do one of the following:

enter the path to it in the input box;

specify the file via a standard file chooser by clicking Browse;

drag and drop the file from the file manager window to the window of the registration wizard.

You can specify a .zip archive containing the key file without unpacking it.

To continue the registration, click Next.

In the next step, specify valid registration information including the following:

registration name;

your region (country) selected from the list;

valid email address.

All registration form fields are mandatory.

Figure 26. User information page

After all fields are filled in, click Finish to connect to the server and obtain the license key file. If necessary, you can use the license key file on another computer after you remove it from the current computer.

2. Obtaining a Demo Period

If you would like to activate a demo period that provides full functionality of Dr.Web Security Space components for a period of 30 days, click the link Activate your 30-day demo period in the first step of activation.

When activating the demo period for 1 month via License Manager, you are not required to provide your personal data.


3. Installation of a Key File Obtained Earlier

If you already have a valid license and the corresponding key file (for example, obtained from Doctor Web or its partners via email), you can activate Dr.Web Security Space by installing this key file. For that purpose, click Other activation types in the first step of activation and specify the key file path in the displayed input box.

Figure 27. Activation via key file

To specify the key file, you can:

enter the path to it in the input box;

specify the file via a standard file chooser by clicking Browse;

drag and drop the file from the file manager window to the window of the Registration wizard.

You can specify a .zip archive containing the key file without unpacking it.

After you specify the key file path (or the path to the archive containing the key file), click Finish to install the key file automatically. If required, the key file is automatically unpacked and copied to the directory with Dr.Web Security Space files. An internet connection is not required in this case.

After the activation procedure completes (using any method described above), the final page of the registration wizard with the notification of successful activation of a license or a demo period is displayed. Click OK to exit the registration wizard and return to the main page of Dr.Web Security Space.

Figure 28. Successful activation notification

If an error occurs in any step of the registration process, a page with the corresponding notification and short error description is displayed. The figure below shows an example of such a page.

Figure 29. Error message

If an error occurs, you can return to the previous step to make corrections (for example, correct the serial number or specify the correct file path). To do this, click Back.

If the error is caused by a temporary issue (for example, temporary network failure), you can try to repeat this step by clicking Retry. If necessary, click Close to cancel the registration and exit the registration wizard. In this case, you will need to retry the registration procedure later. If the wizard cannot establish a connection to the Doctor Web registration server to verify the serial number, the page with the corresponding message is displayed.

Figure 30. Registration server connection error

If the error has occurred because your computer cannot use a direct internet connection, but you use a proxy server to access the internet, click the link Proxy Server Settings to open the window containing proxy server settings:

Figure 31. Proxy server settings

Specify the proxy server settings and click OK. After that retry establishing connection to the Doctor Web registration server by clicking Retry.

Upon activation of a new license and generation of a new key file, the previous key file used by Dr.Web Security Space is automatically saved as a backup copy in the /etc/opt/ directory. If required, you can use it again by installing the key file.

Deleting License Key File

If necessary (for example, you decided to use Dr.Web Security Space on another computer instead of the current computer), you can delete the installed license key file that manages Dr.Web Security Space operation. For that purpose, open the page with license information (the start page of License manager) and click next to the number of the current license.

After that, confirm deletion of the license key file from the current computer in the appeared window by clicking Yes. If you want to cancel the deletion, click No.

Figure 32. Confirming deletion of the key file

To delete the license key file, the application must be started with superuser privileges. If the application does not have elevated permissions, the Yes button is unavailable on attempt to delete the key file. If required, you can elevate the application privileges and, if the elevation succeeds, the Yes button becomes available.


Deletion of the license key file does not affect the license validity period. If the license is not expired, you can obtain a new key file for this license for the remaining period.

After the license key file is deleted, all anti-virus functions of Dr.Web Security Space (file scanning, updating virus databases, the scanning engine and databases of web resource categories, file system monitoring) are blocked until a new license or a demo period is activated.