How to Create a YARA Rule

All the YARA rules in Dr.Web vxCube follow the standard format:

rule RuleName1 : TAG1 TAG2



       maliciousness = "neutral"



       $s = "SomeString"





Every rule begins with the keyword rule followed by a rule name that should be entered using latin letters, digits, or underscore. Then, after a colon, you could specify tags. They will be included in the report if this rule is triggered during the file analysis. The rule body can contain three sections:

The required meta section specifies the maliciousness type (the maliciousness field) that will be set for the file if the rule is triggered. The possible values for the field: maliciousness: neutral, suspicious, malware.

In the required condition section, a condition is set. If the condition is met, the rule will be triggered.

In the optional strings section, the strings that used in the rule are specified.

To create a YARA rule

1.At the top of the Dr.Web vxCube main page, click YARA rules.

2.Click _ru_Image_add Add. The window containing a rule example code appears.

3.Edit the code to include the rule options you want.

4.Click Add.


adding a rule

Figure 8. Add rule window