Program Uninstallation


To uninstall Dr.Web for Kerio Connect, you must have administrator privileges.

Before uninstalling Dr.Web for Kerio Connect, disable its usage by the Kerio Connect email server. To do this,

1.Open the administration console of the email server.

2.Open the ConfigurationContent FilterAnti-virus section.

3.Clear the check box Use external anti-virus program for the selected anti-virus, Dr.Web for Kerio Connect.

4.Click Apply.
Dr.Web for Kerio Connect will be disabled.

Uninstalling Dr.Web for Kerio Connect

To uninstall the program using the automatic uninstallation tool,

1.Execute the following command:

# /opt/

2.To start uninstalling Dr.Web for Kerio Connect enter Y or Yes and click ENTER. Otherwise, enter N or No, and the automatic uninstallation tool exits.


Note that the tool for automatic uninstallation removes not only Dr.Web for Kerio Connect, but also all other Dr.Web products installed on your computer. If you want to uninstall only Dr.Web for Kerio Connect, use the Zypper package manager instead of automatic uninstallation tool.

3.After you confirm uninstallation, uninstallation process of all anti-virus products of Doctor Web packages will start. At that, entries of uninstallation progress registered in the log will be displayed.
The software will automatically terminate after removing all components.


The license key file is not deleted automatically. However, you can delete it manually.

Moreover, scanning settings are saved and are used automatically during the Dr.Web for Kerio Connect reinstallation.

For custom component uninstallation, please use the Zypper package manager. It is automatically installed together with the product. To uninstall the selected components

1.Switch to the /opt/ directory and execute the following command:

# ./zypper rm <package_name>

2.Following the instruction on the screen, select the components you would like to uninstall.

3.Confirm uninstalling the selected components. For that, enter Y or Yes and click ENTER.

4.The uninstallation process of the selected components starts. The report on the uninstallation progress is displayed on the screen in the real-time mode.
After the uninstallation process is completed, you will see the message that the selected components are successfully uninstalled.

To reinstall any component, you can uninstall the component, then install it again.

Uninstallation of Dr.Web for Kerio Connect may be launched automatically in the silent mode, that is, without displaying a user interface (including dialogs that are normally displayed in the command-line mode). For this, you need to launch the program as follows:

# env DRWEB_NON_INTERACTIVE=yes /var/opt/