Upgrade of the Server up to the version 12.0 depends on the initial version:
•Upgrade from the version 6.0.4 to the version 12.0 can be made only manually. •Upgrade from the versions 10.X to the version 12.0 automatically over the installed version is possible not for all UNIX system-based OS. Thus, under UNIX system-based OS, on which automatic upgrading over the installed package is not supported, you must perform the upgrade manually. •Upgrading the Server software from version 11.X and within version 12.0 for the same package types is performed automatically for all UNIX system-based OS. If needed, you can also perform the upgrade manually. •Upgrading the Server from versions 11.X to version 12.0 is also available via the Control Center. The procedure is described in the Administrator Manual, in the Updating Dr.Web Server and Restoring from the Backup section.

At upgrading Dr.Web Server under UNIX system-based OS from version 10 and earlier, the settings from the Web server configuration (the webmin.conf file) section of the Control Center will not be transferred into the version 12.
Settings in this section will be reset to defaults. If you want to use the settings of the previous version, specify them manually after the Server upgrade in the corresponding section of the Control Center basing on the data from the configuration file backup.
All actions must be performed under the root administrator account.
Before removing the Server of previous version, please read the Upgrading Dr.Web Agent section.

Upgrading the Server within version 12 can be also performed via the Control Center. The procedure is described in the Administrator Manual, in the Updating Dr.Web Server and Restoring from the Backup section.
Not all Server updates within version 12 have the distribution kit file. Some of them can be installed via the Control Center only.
Saving Configuration Files
At uninstalling and automatic upgrading of the Server to the version 12, configuration files are saved into default backup directory: /var/tmp/drwcs/.
After the Server of 6 version has been removed, the following files are automatically saved:
agent.key (the name may vary)
Agent license key file
SSL certificate
configuration file (for some UNIX system-based OS)
embedded database
drwcsd.conf (the name may vary)
Server configuration file
private encryption key
public encryption key
enterprise.key (the name may vary)
Server license key file
RSA private key
Dr.Web Security Control Center configuration file
After the Server of 10 version has been removed, the following files are automatically saved:
agent.key (the name may vary)
Agent license key file
configuration file for administrators external authorization via LDAP
configuration file for administrators external authorization via PAM
configuration file for administrators external authorization via RADIUS
SSL certificate
configuration file (for some UNIX system-based OS)
database export (created during the Server uninstallation using the command drwcs.sh xmlexportdb)
network settings for generating of the Agent installation packages
drwcsd.conf (name may vary)
Server configuration file
private encryption key
public encryption key
enterprise.key (the name may vary)
Server license key file. The file is saved if it presented after the upgrade from the previous versions. For the new Server 12.0 installation, the file is absent
configuration file for the Server remote diagnostic utility
Server log settings
RSA private key
Dr.Web Security Control Center configuration file
embedded database
After the Server of 11 and 12 versions has been removed, the following configuration files are automatically saved:
agent.key (the name may vary)
Agent license key file
configuration file for administrators external authorization via LDAP
configuration file for administrators external authorization via LDAP using the simplified scheme
configuration file for administrators external authorization via PAM
configuration file for administrators external authorization via RADIUS
SSL certificate
configuration file (for some UNIX system-based OS)
database export (created during the Server uninstallation using the command drwcs.sh xmlexportdb)
network settings for generating of the Agent installation packages
Server certificate
drwcsd.conf (the name may vary)
Server configuration file
private encryption key
public encryption key
enterprise.key (the name may vary)
Server license key file. The file is saved if it presented after the upgrade from the previous versions. For the new Server 12.0 installation, the file is absent
configuration file for the Server remote diagnostic utility
Server log settings
RSA private key
Dr.Web Security Control Center configuration file
API key for the Yandex.Locator extension
After the automatic upgrade, the following files are saved to the backup directory:
For the Server version 10:
configuration file for administrators external authorization via LDAP
configuration file for administrators external authorization via PAM
configuration file for administrators external authorization via RADIUS
database export (created during the Server upgrade using the command drwcs.sh exportdb)
For the Server of versions 11 and 12:
configuration file for administrators external authorization via LDAP
configuration file for administrators external authorization via LDAP using the simplified scheme
configuration file for administrators external authorization via PAM
configuration file for administrators external authorization via RADIUS
database export (created during the Server upgrade using the command drwcs.sh exportdb)

If you are planning to use configuration files from the version 6 of the Server, please note:
1.Server license key is no longer supported (see Licensing). 2.The embedded database is upgraded and configuration files of the Server is converted by the means of the installer. You cannot replace these files with a backup copies when upgrading from the Server of version 6. |
Saving Database
Before upgrade Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite software, it is recommended to backup database.
To backup database
1.Stop the Server. 2.Export DB to the file: •For FreeBSD OS:
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/drwcsd exportdb /var/tmp/esbase.es •For Linux OS:
# /etc/init.d/drwcsd exportdb /var/tmp/esbase.es For Servers with external DB, it is recommended to use standard tools supplied with the database.

Make sure, that Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite DB export completed successfully. If DB backup copy is not available, the Server could not be restored in emergency case.
Automatic Upgrade
If you upgrade the Server from 10 version to version 12 (except the Servers installed under Linux OS from the *.rpm.run and *.deb.run packages), instead of deleting the old version and installing the new version of the Server, you can use the package upgrade. For this, launch the installation of corresponding Server package.
Upgrading the Server software from version 11 and within version 12 for the same package types is performed automatically for all UNIX system-based OS.
At this, configuration files will be automatically converted and placed in corresponding directories. Also, some configuration files are additionally stored in the backup directory.
Manual Upgrade
If the Server upgrade from the version 6.0.4 and later cannot be done over the installed package, you must delete the Server software of previous versions saving the backup copy and install the software of the version 12 based on the saved backup copy.
To upgrade Dr.Web Server
1.Stop the Server. 2.If you plan to use any files (besides the files which are copied automatically during the Server uninstall at step 3), backup these files manually, for example, the report templates and etc. 3.Remove the Server software (see Removing Dr.Web Server Software for UNIX System-Based OS). You will be prompt to create a backup copies of the files. For this, specify the path to store the backup or accept the default path. 4.Install Dr.Web Server version 12.0 according to the general installation procedure (see Installing Dr.Web Server for UNIX System-Based OS) based on the backup copy from the step 3. All saved configuration files and embedded database (if you use embedded database) will be automatically converted to be used by the Server of the 12.0 version. Without automatic conversion, database (if you use embedded database) and some of the Server configuration files from the previous version cannot be used. In case of manual backup, place the files to the same directories where they were located in the previous version.

For all backup files from the previous Server version (see step 4) you must set the user selected at the installation of the new Server version (drwcs by default), as files owner.
5.Launch the Server. 6.Set up repository upgrade and perform the upgrade.