Select the Anti-virus network item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center.
Control Menu
To view and edit the information in the opened window, use the control menu resided in the left part of the window.
Control Menu contains the following components:
1.General •Charts •Security identifiers •Protection components •Quarantine •Hardware and software •Detected devices •User sessions •Inactive stations •Properties •Group membership rules (when user groups are selected) •Dr.Web Proxy Server (when Proxy Servers or their group are selected) 2.Statistics 3.Configuration •Dr.Web Proxy Server (when Proxy Server or the Proxies group and its subgroups are selected) •Permissions •Task Scheduler •Installing components •Connection parameters •Update Restrictions •Dr.Web Agent for UNIX—allows to configure the period of sending the statistics on detected threats for stations under UNIX system-based OS. •The list of anti-virus components for operating system of selected station or by list of operating systems when a group is selected.

Detailed description of anti-virus components settings which are configured via the Control Center, is given in the Administrator Manual on managing stations for corresponding operating system.
Hierarchical list of anti-virus network
In the middle part of the window there is a hierarchical list of the anti-virus network. The list (catalog) represents the tree structure of the anti-virus network elements. The nodes in this structure are groups and workstations within these groups.
You can perform the following through the hierarchical list elements:
•Left-click the name of a group or station to display the control menu (at the left part of the window) of corresponding element and brief element information on a property pane (at the right part of the window). •Left-click the icon of the group to open or to hide the contents of a group. •Left-click the icon of the station to open the properties sheet of this station.

To select several elements of the hierarchical list, press and hold CTRL or SHIFT during selection.
The appearance of the icon depends on the type and status of this element (see table below).
Icons of elements in the hierarchical list
Groups. General icons

Groups always shown in the hierarchical list.

Groups are not displayed in the hierarchical list if:
•for groups the Setup group visibility → Hide if empty option is set and currently groups do not contain stations, •for groups the Setup group visibility → Hide option is set and currently, in the Settings of tree view section, the Show hidden groups flag is cleared. |

Icon of membership rules is displayed next to the general icon of user groups for which rules of automatic stations placing in the group are set.
To display the sign, select the Settings of tree view → Show membership rules icon option on the toolbar.
Workstations. General icons

Available workstations with installed anti-virus software.

Available workstations with installed anti-virus software. Severity of the station state is Medium. To determine the required administrator actions, please clarify the situation at this station in the Status section.
To display the sign, select the Settings of tree view → Show station states severity option on the toolbar.

Available workstations with installed anti-virus software. Severity of the station state is Maximal or High. To determine the required administrator actions, please clarify the situation at this station in the Status section.
To display the sign, select the Settings of tree view → Show station states severity option on the toolbar.

The station is unavailable.

Anti-virus software on the station is uninstalled.

Station state during remote network installation of the Agent. Station is in this state from the moment of successful Agent installation on the station till the moment of its first connection to Dr.Web Server.
Proxy Servers. General icons

Proxy Server not connected to your Dr.Web Server.

Proxy Server is connected to your Dr.Web Server, but it does not use the specified settings.

Proxy Server is connected to your Dr.Web Server, and it uses the specified settings.
Additional icons for groups, stations, and Proxy Servers

Icon of personal settings is displayed over the general stations, groups, and Proxy Servers icons for which personal settings are specified.
To display the sign, select the Settings of tree view → Show personal settings icon option on the toolbar.
E.g., if online workstation with installed anti-virus software has a personal settings, its icon looks as follows: .

Policy or policy version with settings of station anti-virus components.

Profile for storing settings on the Application Control component, active mode.

Profile for storing settings on the Application Control component, test mode.

Disabled profile for storing settings on the Application Control component.

Profile for storing settings on the Application Control component, for which the group of trusted applications that is missing in the Dr.Web Server repository is specified.
Management of the anti-virus network catalog elements is carried out via the toolbar of the hierarchical list.
The toolbar of the hierarchical list contains the following elements:
General—manage the general parameters of the hierarchical list. Select the corresponding item in the drop-down list:
Remove selected objects—remove an items from the hierarchical list. Select the items in the list and click Remove selected objects.
Remove membership rules—remove rules for automatic including stations to groups.
Set this group as primary—determine the selected group as primary for all workstations in it.
Set a primary group for stations—assign a primary group for selected workstations.
If a group is selected in the hierarchical list instead of workstations, the specified primary group will be assigned to all workstations from this group.
Merge stations—join workstations under a single account in the hierarchical list. It can be used if a workstation had been registered under several accounts.
Remove personal settings—remove individual settings of selected objects. Settings of the parent group will be used. All workstations inside a group will also have their settings removed.
Send message to stations—send a message with an arbitrary content to users of workstations.
Reset password—delete the user password for access to anti-virus components settings on selected stations. The option is available only for stations under Windows OS.
Reboot station—launch reboot station process remotely. Whether the station needs reboot, e.g. after updating/changing anti-virus components, you can refine in the Status section for this station.
Uninstall Dr.Web Agent—remove the Agents and anti-virus software from the selected workstation(s) or group(s).
Install Dr.Web Agent—open the Network scanner for Agent installation to the selected stations. This option is enabled only if new approved stations or stations with deinstalled Agent are selected.
Restore deleted stations—restore stations deleted earlier. This option is active only if stations from the Deleted subgroup of the Status group are selected.
Mail installation files—send installation files for stations selected in the list to email addresses, specified in this section parameters.
Unassign the profile from the objects—delete the profile from the list of profiles assigned to the selected objects. The option is active when selecting objects to which the profile is assigned (displayed in the tree as nested objects of this profile).
Add a network object—add a new element of anti-virus network. Click the corresponding item in the drop-down menu:
Create station—add a new station (see Installation Manual, p. Creation of a New User Account).
Create group—add a new group.
Create neighbor—add a neighbor Dr.Web Server connection.
Create policy—add a new policy to set stations settings.
Create Proxy Server—add a new account to connect the Proxy Server (see Installation Manual, p. Creating of the Proxy Server Account).
Create profile—add a new profile to store settings station anti-virus components.
Data Export:
Save data in CSV file—save common data about selected stations of the anti-virus network to CSV file.
Save data in HTML file—save common data about selected stations of the anti-virus network to HTML file.
Save data in XML file—save common data about selected stations of the anti-virus network to XML file.
Save data in PDF file—save common data about selected stations of the anti-virus network to PDF file.

The listed above options from the Data Export section export information only on selected stations and stations included into selected groups.
Export configuration—save the configuration of the selected objects of anti-virus network to a file. For this option, you will be prompt to select configuration sections to save.
Import configuration—load the configuration of the selected objects of anti-virus network from a file. For this option, you will be prompt to select the file to load the configuration and also loaded configuration sections.
Export statistics—save the anti-virus components statistics for the selected objects of anti-virus network to a file. For this option, you will be prompt to select the statistic sections to save and the export format.
Propagate configuration—propagate configuration of the selected objects to other objects of anti-virus network. For this option, you will be prompt to select objects to propagate configuration to and also propagated configuration sections.
Assign policy—assign the selected policy to a group or individual stations. For this option, you will be prompt to select the objects to assign the policy to.
Assign profile—assign the settings profile selected in the anti-virus network tree to the objects: stations, users, and groups. For this option, you will be prompt to select the objects to assign the profile to.
Setup group visibility—change the appearance of groups in the list. Select one of the following in the drop-down list (the icon of the group will change, see table above):
Hide—means that the group will not be displayed in the hierarchical list.
Hide if empty—means that the group will not be displayed if the group is empty (does not contain any workstations).
Show—means that the group will always be displayed in the hierarchical list.
Components management—manage the components on the workstation. Select the necessary action in the drop-down menu:
Recover failed components—force to recover the state of the components that operating with errors. Recovering uses the product revision that is currently installed on the station.
Interrupt running components—prescribes to stop all running anti-virus components at the station. You can stop and start anti-virus components operation separately in the Protection Components section.
Scan—scan stations in one of the modes, selected in the drop-down menu:
Dr.Web Agent Scanner. Express scan. In this mode the following objects are scanned:
•main memory (RAM), •boot sectors of all disks, •autorun objects, •root directory of the boot sector, •root directory of Windows OS installation disk, •system directory of Windows OS, •My documents folder, •temporary directory of the system, •temporary directory of the user. Dr.Web Agent Scanner. Complete scan. In this mode all hard disks and removable disks (including the boot sectors) will be fully scanned using Dr.Web Agent Scanner.
Dr.Web Agent Scanner. Custom scan. In this mode you will be able to choose files and folders to scan using Dr.Web Agent Scanner.
Unapproved stations—manage newbies list—stations, which registration is not approved (see the New Stations Approval Policy section for more details). This option is active only if stations of the Newbies subgroup of the Status group are selected. When the registration is approved, stations will be automatically removed from the pre-installed Newbies group. To manage stations registration, select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
Approve selected stations and set a primary group—confirm access of the station to Dr.Web Server and to set a primary group from the offered list.
Cancel action specified to execute on connect—cancel the action on unapproved stations which was specified earlier to execute at the moment when the station connects to Dr.Web Server.
Reject selected stations—forbid access of the station to Dr.Web Server.
Block settings — change access parameters which stations use to connect to Dr.Web Server. Select the necessary action in the drop-down list:
Blocking period — set a period of time when the access to Dr.Web Server from station is restricted.
Settings of tree view—adjust the appearance of the anti-virus network tree. To enable parameter, set the corresponding flags in the drop-down menu:
•for groups: ▫All groups membership—duplicate displaying of a station in the list if a stations is a member of several groups simultaneously (only for groups under the white folder icon, see table above). If the flag is set, the station will be shown in all member groups. If the flag is cleared, the station will be shown only once in the list. ▫Show hidden groups—show all groups included in the anti-virus network. If you clear the flag, all empty groups (not containing stations) will be hidden. It may be convenient to remove extra data, for example, when there are many empty groups. •for the Dr.Web Server clients (stations, Proxy Servers and neighbor Dr.Web Servers): ▫Show clients identifiers—show clients unique identifiers. ▫Show clients names—show clients names, if such are given.

You cannot disable displaying both identifiers and names of stations at the same time. One of the Show clients identifiers and Show clients names parameters will be always selected.
▫Show clients addresses—show clients IP-addresses. ▫Show station servers—show names or addresses of Dr.Web Servers to which stations are connected. Relevant to the stations within Dr.Web Servers cluster. ▫Show policy icon—show the policy icon next to the icon of the station to which the policy is assigned. ▫Show station states severity—show severity of active stations status. ▫At this, the color differentiation will be used for stations depending on their status (see table above). If the option is disabled, for station statuses with the and icons, the common icon will be displayed. •for all elements: ▫Show personal settings icon—show the marker which shows whether individual settings are present on the icons of groups and the Dr.Web Server clients: stations, Proxy Servers and neighbor Dr.Web Servers. ▫Show descriptions—show descriptions of groups and the Dr.Web Server clients: stations, Proxy Servers and neighbor Dr.Web Servers (the descriptions are set in the properties of an element). ▫Show the number of clients—show the number of the Dr.Web Server clients: stations, Proxy Servers and neighbor Dr.Web Servers for all the groups of an anti-virus network into which these clients are included. ▫Show membership rules icon—show the marker on stations icons which are added to groups automatically according to the membership rules, also on groups icons stations of which are added automatically. Settings of clients sorting—change the parameter that is used for sorting and the sorting order of the Dr.Web Server clients: stations, Proxy Servers and neighbor Dr.Web Servers in the anti-virus tree.
•To select the parameter to use for sorting, set the one of the following flags (only one parameter can be selected): ▫Identifier—sort by unique identifiers of clients. ▫Name—sort by names of clients. ▫Address—sort by network addresses of clients. Clients without network address will be displayed in random order without sorting. ▫Creation date—sort by date of creation of a client account on Dr.Web Server. ▫Date of last connection—sort by date of last connection of clients to Dr.Web Server. •To select the sorting order, set the one of the following flags: ▫Sort ascending. ▫Sort descending.
Property Pane
The property pane shows the properties and settings of workstations.
To display the property pane
1.Select the name of a station or a group in the hierarchical list. 2.A pane with properties of selected workstation or group opens in the right pane of Dr.Web Security Control Center. Detailed description of these settings is given in the Editing Groups and Station Properties.