License Manager


Detailed information on principles and features of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite licensing is given in the Licensing section.

License Manager Interface

Dr.Web Security Control Center contains the License Manager component. This component is used to manage licensing of anti-virus network objects.

To open the License manager, select Administration item in the main menu of Dr.Web Security Control Center. In the opened window select the License manager item in the control menu.

Hierarchical List of Keys

The main pane of the License manager contains the keys tree—the hierarchical list nodes of which are license keys of stations, groups and policies for which license keys are assigned.

Toolbar contains the following control elements:



Dependence on objects in the keys tree

icon-add-object Add license key

Add a new license key record.

Option is always available.

Functional features depend on whether the object is selected in the key tree or not (see Add a new license key).

icon-key-remove Remove selected objects

Remove the connection between the key and the licensing object.

Option is available if a licensing object (station, group or policy) or a license key is selected in the tree.

icon-key-propagate Propagate the key to groups and stations

Replace of add selected key to a licensing object.

Option is available if a license key is selected in the tree.

icon-key-export Export key

Save the local copy of the license key file.

icon-key-update Check for updates and replace license keys

Check for updates that are placed on GUS, for all keys. If updates are available, download the keys and perform the replacement (see Automatic License Renewal).

Option is always available.

The action is for all license keys in the tree.

icon-neighbor-propagate Propagate the key to neighbor Dr.Web Servers

Donate licenses from the selected key to neighbor Dr.Web Servers.

Option is available if a license key is selected in the tree.

icon-tree-settings Settings of tree view allows to change hierarchical tree view:

The Show the number of licenses flag enables/disables displaying in the keys tree the total number of licenses provided by the license key files.

To change the tree structure, use the following options:

The Keys option prescribes to display all license keys of anti-virus network as a root nodes of the hierarchical tree. At this, all groups, stations and policies for which these keys are assigned, are presented as child elements of license keys. This tree view is a general view and allows to manage licensing objects ans license keys.

The Groups option prescribes to display those groups, to which the keys are personally assigned as a root nodes of the hierarchical tree. At this, stations and policies included in these groups and license keys that are assigned to these groups are presented as child elements of groups. This tree view is intended for visualization convenience of information on licensing and does not allow to manage objects of the tree.

To change the tree appearance, use the following options:

Show clients identifiers—enables/disables showing of stations unique identifiers.

Show clients names—enables/disables showing of stations names.

Show clients addresses—enables/disables showing of stations IP-addresses.

Show descriptions—enables/disables showing of stations and groups of stations descriptions.

Licenses Handling

Via the License Manager, you can perform the following actions under license keys:

1.View Information About a License.

2.Add a New License Key.

3.Update the License Key.

4.Replace the License Key.

5.Extend the List of Object License Keys.

6.Remove the License Key and the Object from the Licensing List.

7.Donate a License to a neighbor Dr.Web Server.

8.Edit Licenses Donated to a Neighbor Dr.Web Server.

View Information About a License

To view the summaries about a license key, in the main pane of the License manager, select the key record to view the detail information (click the key record name). In the opened pane you can view the following information:

Provided and used number of licenses from this license key file.

The owner of the license.

The dealer, who sold the license.

Identification and serial numbers of the license.

License expiration date.

Inclusion of the Anti-spam component.

MD5 hash of the license key.

Allowed lists of hash bulletins for notification about identity of detected threats. If the feature is not licensed, this parameter is absent.


Anti-virus protection level is not reduces if hash bulletins are not licensed. This license allows to notify the administrator that the detected threat is in the specialized bulletins of known hashes of threats.

The list of anti-virus components which are allowed to use by this license.

Add a New License Key

To add a new license key

1.In the main pane of the License Manager, click icon-add-object Add license key on the toolbar.

2.On the opened panel, click icon-item-search and select the license key file.

3.Set the flag:

Replace the license key of the Everyone group if it is the first license key of the anti-virus network. The adding key will be assigned to the Everyone group automatically.

Assign the license key to the Everyone group if it is not the first license key of the anti-virus network. The current license key of the Everyone group will be replaced with the adding license key.


If several keys are assigned to the Everyone group, the first key in the list will be replaced.

If you want to replace specific license key of the Everyone group, use the Update the License Key procedure.

4.Click Save.

5.The license key will be added to the keys tree.

If you did not set the corresponding flag at step 3, then added license key will not be assigned neither to one of the objects. In this case, to specify licensing objects, perform the Change the License Key or Extend the List of Object License Keys procedures described below.

Update the License Key

When updating a license key, the new license key is assigned to the same licensing objects to which the old one was assigned.

Use the key update procedure to replace an expired key or to replace a key with another one containing a different set of installable components. The key tree structure is preserved.

To update a license key

1.In the main pane of the License Manager in the keys tree, select the key you want to update.

2.On the opened key properties panel, click icon-item-search and select the license key file.

3.Click Save. A window with installed components settings described in Settings for License Key Changing, opens.

4.Click Save to update the license key.

Replace the License Key

When changing a license key, all current license keys are deleted for the licensing object and a new key is added.

To replace the current license key

1.In the main pane of the License Manager in the keys tree, select the key you want to assign to the licensing object: group of stations, station or policy.

2.Click icon-key-propagate Propagate the key to groups and stations on the toolbar. A window with hierarchical list of anti-virus network opens.

3.Select licensing object from the list. To select several objects, use ctrl and shift.


To assign a key to a policy, you must select the policy itself or the current version of this policy (a key is assigned automatically to a policy when selecting its current version and vice versa).

A license key can be also assigned to any version of a policy which is not current. At this, a key is assigned only to this version, but not to the policy itself. Such key is not applied to stations until a current version of a policy will not be replaced with the one to which this key is assigned.

A license key must be assigned to policies and their versions directly.

4.Click Replace license key. A window with installed components settings described in Settings for License Key Changing, opens.

5.Click Save to replace the license key.

Extend the List of Object License Keys

When adding a license key, the licensing object saves all current keys, and a new license key is added to the keys list.

To add a license key to the license keys list of an object

1.In the main pane of the License Manager in the keys tree, select the key you want to add to the objects keys list: group of stations, station or policy.

2.Click icon-key-propagate Propagate the key to groups and stations on the toolbar. A window with hierarchical list of anti-virus network opens.

3.Select licensing object from the list. To select several objects, use ctrl and shift.


To assign a key to a policy, you must select the policy itself or the current version of this policy (a key is assigned automatically to a policy when selecting its current version and vice versa).

A license key can be also assigned to any version of a policy which is not current. At this, a key is assigned only to this version, but not to the policy itself. Such key is not applied to stations until a current version of a policy will not be replaced with the one to which this key is assigned.

A license key must be assigned to policies and their versions directly.

4.Click Add license key. A window with installed components settings described in Settings for Adding a License Key to the Keys List, opens.

5.Click Save to add the license key.

Remove the License Key and the Object from the Licensing List


You cannot remove the last license key record of the Everyone group.


For policies that are assigned to stations with no personal settings of a license key, a license key must be specified.

To remove the license key or the object from the licensing list

1.In the main pane of the License Manager in the keys tree, select the key you want to remove, or the object (station, group or policy), to which this key is assigned, and click icon-key-remove Remove selected objects on the toolbar. At this:

If a group or station was selected, it will be removed from the list of objects on which its key is effects. Group or station for which a personal license key is removed, inherits a license key.

If a policy was selected, its current version is also removed from the list of objects on which a license key is assigned. If a current version of a policy was selected, the policy itself is removed as well. But when removing a policy version that is not current, a policy itself and its current version will not be removed.

If a license key was selected, this key record is removed from the anti-virus network. All groups and stations to which this license key was assigned, inherit a license key.

2.A window with installed components settings described in Settings for License Key Changing, opens.

3.Click Save to remove selected object.

Donate a License to a Neighbor Dr.Web Server

When donating a part of vacant licenses to a neighbor Dr.Web Server from the license key of this Dr.Web Server, number of donated licenses will not be available for use on this Dr.Web Server till the end of propagation time of these licenses.

To donate licenses to a neighbor Dr.Web Server

1.In the main pane of the License Manager in the keys tree, select the key a vacant licenses from which you want to donate to neighbor Dr.Web Server.

2.Click icon-neighbor-propagate Propagate the key to neighbor Dr.Web Servers on the toolbar. A window with hierarchical tree of neighbor Dr.Web Servers opens.

3.Select from the list those Dr.Web Servers to which you want propagate licenses.

4.Specify the following parameters next to the each Dr.Web Server:

Number of licenses—number of vacant licenses, you want to donate from this key to a neighbor Dr.Web Server.

License expiration date—validity period of licenses donation. After specified time period, all licenses will be recall from the neighbor Dr.Web Server and got back to the list of vacant licenses in this license key.

5.Click one of the buttons:

Add license key—to add licenses to the list of presence licenses of neighbor Dr.Web Servers. A window with installed components settings described in Settings for Adding a License Key to the Keys List, opens.

Replace license key—to remove current licenses of neighbor Dr.Web Servers and set only propagated licenses. A window with installed components settings described in Settings for License Key Changing, opens.

Icons of elements in the hierarchical list




Dr.Web Server is started.


Dr.Web Server is stopped.

i-server-off-sent-key i-server-sent-key

Sent key.

i-server-off-received-key i-server-received-key

Received key.

Edit Licenses Donated to a Neighbor Dr.Web Server

To edit licenses propagated to neighbor Dr.Web Server

1.In the main pane of the License Manager in the keys tree, select the neighbor Dr.Web Server, on which licenses were propagated.

2.On the opened properties panel, edit the following parameters:

Number of licenses—number of vacant licenses, which were donated from the key of this Dr.Web Server to the neighbor Dr.Web Server.

License expiration date—validity period of licenses donation. After specified time period, all licenses will be recall from the neighbor Dr.Web Server and got back to the list of vacant licenses in this license key.

3.Click Save to update information on propagated licenses.

Changing the List of Installable Components

Settings for License Key Changing

This section describes how to specify installable components for the following procedures:

Update the License Key.

Replace the License Key.

Remove the License Key.

Donate a License to a neighbor Dr.Web Server and replace the License Key.

To specify installable components when performing these procedures

1.In the window with the installable component settings, the following objects are listed:

Stations, groups and policies with their lists of installable components.

In the Current key column, you can find the list of object keys and the settings of installable components that are currently specified for the object.

In the Assigning key column, you can find the key and the settings of installable components that are specified in the key you want to assign to the selected objects.

If necessary, set the Show only different flag to list only those component settings that differ between the current key and the key to be assigned.

2.To configure the list of installable components:

a)In the Assigning key column, you can configure the resulting list of installable components.

Installable component settings in the Assigning key column are calculated based on whether the component use is allowed (+) or not allowed (-) in the current settings and in the new key, as follows:

Current settings

Assigning key settings

Result settings







You can change installable component settings (downgrade the permission to install) only if the settings of the Assigning key allow to use this component.

b)Set the flags for those objects (stations, groups and policies) for which settings will not be inherited and the installable component settings from the Assigning key column will be set as their personal settings. For other objects (for which flags are not set), initial settings from the Assigning key column are inherited.

Settings for Adding a License Key to the Key List

This section describes how to specify installable components for the following procedures:

Extend the List of Object License Keys.

Donate a License to a Neighbor Dr.Web Server and add a License Key.

To specify installable components when performing these procedures

1.In the window with the installable component settings, the following objects are listed:

Stations, groups and policies with their lists of installable components.

In the Current key column, you can find the list of object keys the and settings of installable components that are currently specified for the object.

In the Assigning key column, you can find the key and the settings of installable components that are specified in the key you want to add to the selected objects.

2.If necessary, set the Show only different flag to list only those component settings that differ between the current key and the key to be assigned. Note that in the Assigning key section not the assigning key settings are listed, but the resulting settings of installable components.

3.To configure the list of installable components:

a)In the Assigning key column, you can configure the resulting list of installable components.

Installable component settings in the Assigning key column are calculated based on whether the component use is allowed (+) or not allowed (-) in the current settings and in the new key, as follows:

Current settings

Assigning key settings

Result settings






You can change installable component settings (downgrade the permission to install) only if the settings of the Assigning key allow to use this component.

b)Set the flags for those objects (stations, groups and policies) for which settings will not be inherited and the installable component settings from the Assigning key column will be set as their personal settings. For other objects (for which flags are not set), initial settings from the Assigning key column are inherited.