Automatic License Renewal |
Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite license can be automatically renewed. Automatic renewal of licenses implies the following: •When a license key expires, it can be automatically replaced with a previously purchased license key. •Automatic renewal is applicable to a specific license key for which the renewal has been purchased. •The license key for the automatic renewal will be stored on the Doctor Web company servers until its expiration date. Automatic license renewal procedure The automatic license renewal procedure is initiated in the following cases: •When the administrator clicks the •When the Update repository task from the Dr.Web Server schedule is running. Make sure that the Update license keys flag is set in the task settings.
The automatic license renewal procedure consists of the following stages: 1.Checking the availability of a license key on Doctor Web company servers (GUS). 2.Downloading a license key from the GUS to Dr.Web Server and adding it to the database and the License Manager. 3.Allocating the new license key to the objects of the previous key. Depending on the results of each stage, the procedure can be successfully completed at any of them. The following results of the automatic update are possible: 1.The license key for automatic update is absent on GUS. No actions are performed. 2.The license key for automatic update is available on GUS. The list of components to be licensed is different in the current and the new keys (the new key does not apply to some components licensed by the key currently in use) or/and the new license key has fewer licenses than the current license key. A new license is downloaded from the Doctor Web company servers, it is then added to the License Manager and the Dr.Web Server database but not allocated to licensing objects. In this case, it is necessary to allocate a license key manually. The administrator will receive the License key cannot be automatically updated notification. The specific reason why the license key cannot be automatically propagated, is included in the notification. 3.The license key for automatic update is available on GUS. The list of components to be licensed is the same between the current and the new license key, or the new key is intended to license more components than the current key, alternatively, the number of licenses in the new license key exceeds or is equal to the number of licenses in the current license key. A new license is downloaded from the Doctor Web servers, it is then added to the License Manager and the Dr.Web Server database and allocated to all licensing objects to which the previous license has been allocated, including neighboring Dr.Web Servers. The old license is removed when it is not in use by any of the child Dr.Web Servers. Thus, if the child Dr.Web Server was offline at the moment of the automatic update, the old license will be stored until this child Dr.Web Server is connected. The old license is stored until the administrator manually removes it in the following cases: •If the license received during the automatic update cannot be allocated to the child Dr.Web Server (Dr.Web Server is always offline). •If the child Dr.Web Server uses the old protocol version that does not support automatic updates. In this case, licenses will be donated to a neighboring Dr.Web Server but will not be propagated. The administrator receives the License key automatically updated notification. Update notifications are sent from each Dr.Web Server that has received a new license.
Manual license renewal If you purchased a license key for automatic renewal of your current key, you do not need to manually add a new key in the License Manager. Depending on the situation (variant 2 in the procedure above), you may need to allocate it to the licensing objects manually. On the other hand, if you have used the License Manager to manually add a new key for automatic renewal prior to performing the automatic license renewal procedure, as described in variant 3 (see the procedure above), then the task will only propagate a new license key. In this case, the following variants are possible: a)A new license key has been allocated manually to all objects licensed by the previous key. In this case, no changes are made during the execution of the update task. b)A new license key has not been allocated to all objects licensed by the previous key. In this case, during the execution of the update task, a new key will be allocated to all other objects of the previous key that still have not yet received the update. If a new license key has been manually allocated to objects that were not in the list of the previous key, then after execution of the task, a new key will remain allocated to these objects as well. In this case, the following variants are possible: •The number of licenses is sufficient for all licensing objects: for objects licensed with the previous key and for objects manually assigned to a new key. This situation can occur if a new key contains more licenses. In this case no changes will be made during the update task. •The number of licenses is not sufficient for all licensing objects assigned to the previous key, because licenses were manually assigned to other objects. Objects that did not receive a license will not be updated, however the previous key will be deleted anyway and the objects will remain unlicensed. When a license becomes available, all unlicensed objects will receive a new license key. In this case, the actions depend on the type of licensing objects: ▫If stations protected by this Dr.Web Server have not received licenses from a new key, then the available licenses are checked each time a station tries to connect to Dr.Web Server. If a license is available, it will be allocated to this station. ▫If a neighboring Dr.Web Server has not received licenses from a new key, then the available licenses are checked automatically approximately every minute. If there are licenses available, they will be donated to neighboring Dr.Web Servers. License Key file Please note the following features of automatic update: •During the automatic update, a new license is downloaded from Doctor Web company servers, its information is stored in the Dr.Web Server database and is displayed in the License Manager. No license key file is created. •To get a license key file, use the Administration → License Manager → Export key option. Also, a license key file can be obtained by executing the Automatic update of a license key user hook. •When a license is revoked, its information is deleted from the License Manager and from the Dr.Web Server database; however, the license key file remains in the Dr.Web Server folder. |