Moving Dr.Web Server to Another Computer (Windows OS) |
The procedures for moving Dr.Web Server differ depending on the OS of the original computer: •Moving from a computer running Windows to another computer running Windows. •Moving from a computer running a Unix-like OS to a computer running Windows. After completing either of the procedures, check that the new Dr.Web Server is working properly and ensure that stations are connected to it. To move Dr.Web Server from a computer running Windows to another computer running Windows 1.Install a new Dr.Web Server (empty configuration, with a new database) of the same major version on the target computer (detailed instructions are given in the Installation Manual, section Installing Dr.Web Server for Windows OS).
2.In the web interface of the new Dr.Web Server, navigate to the Administration → License Manager section, add your valid agent.key license key, and propagate it to the Everyone group. 3.Open the Repository state section and make sure that the repository is updated correctly. 4.Open the Dr.Web Server section and make sure that the date displayed in this section matches the date of the current Dr.Web Server revision in the Repository state section. If the date does not match and there is a message about the availability of updates, click the View list of versions button and update Dr.Web Server to the latest version. 5.Stop the new Dr.Web Server using Windows OS service management tools, Dr.Web Security Control Center, or the Start → All programs → Dr.Web Server → Stop menu. 6.Stop the old Dr.Web Server. 7.Verify the integrity of the database of the old Dr.Web Server using the command drwcsd modexecdb database-verify. The full command line for database verification looks as follows:
If an error message appears in the drwscd.log file after running this command, please contact technical support. 8.Export the database of the old Dr.Web Server to file using the command drwcsd modexecdb database-export. The full command line for database export looks as follows:
9.Start the old Dr.Web Server so that it could keep servicing its clients using Windows OS service management tools or the Start → All programs → Dr.Web Server → Start menu. 10.Replace the contents of the %programfiles%\DrWeb Server\etc and %programfiles%\DrWeb Server\var\extensions folders on the new Dr.Web Server with the contents of the same folders on the old Dr.Web Server. 11.Replace the drwcsd-certificate.pem certificate file in the %programfiles%\DrWeb Server\webmin\install\windows folder on the new Dr.Web Server with the same file from the old Dr.Web Server. 12.If you use the embedded database, replace the database.sqlite database file in the %programfiles%\DrWeb Server\var folder on the new Dr.Web Server with the same file from the old Dr.Web Server. 13.Start the new Dr.Web Server. 14.Log in to the web interface of the new Dr.Web Server using the same credentials as for the old Dr.Web Server. 15.Open the Administration → Dr.Web Server Task Scheduler section and select the Backup sensitive data task. Click the If there are any tasks with the Run program action in the schedule, either edit them according to the software configuration of the new computer or remove them from the schedule. 16.Check that the new Dr.Web Server is working properly and ensure that stations are connected to it. 17.Stop the old Dr.Web Server and uninstall it (see the Installation Manual, section Removing Dr.Web Server for Windows OS). To move Dr.Web Server from a computer running a Unix-like OS to a computer running Windows
1.Install a new Dr.Web Server (empty configuration, with a new database) of the same major version on the target computer (detailed instructions are given in the Installation Manual, section Installing Dr.Web Server for Windows OS).
2.In the web interface of the new Dr.Web Server, navigate to the Administration → License Manager section, add your valid agent.key license key, and propagate it to the Everyone group. 3.Open the Repository state section and make sure that the repository is updated correctly. 4.Open the Dr.Web Server section and make sure that the date displayed in this section matches the date of the current Dr.Web Server revision in the Repository state section. If the date does not match and there is a message about the availability of updates, click the View list of versions button and update Dr.Web Server to the latest version. 5.Stop the new Dr.Web Server using Windows OS service management tools, Dr.Web Security Control Center, or the Start → All programs → Dr.Web Server → Stop menu. 6.Replace the following files on the new Dr.Web Server with their equivalents from the old Dr.Web Server: •drwcsd-certificate.pem certificate file in the %programfiles%\DrWeb Server\webmin\install\windows folder on the new Dr.Web Server with the corresponding file from the /opt/drwcs/webmin/install/windows folder on the old Dr.Web Server; •%programfiles%\DrWeb Server\var\extensions (user hooks) folder contents on the new Dr.Web Server with the /var/opt/drwcs/extensions folder contents on the old Dr.Web Server; •drwcsd.conf configuration file, drwcsd.pri private key file, and a copy of the drwcsd-certificate.pem certificate in the %programfiles%\DrWeb Server\etc folder on the new Dr.Web Server with the corresponding files from the /var/opt/drwcs/etc folder on the old Dr.Web Server.
7.Stop the old Dr.Web Server via the console using the command:
8.Verify the integrity of the database on the old Dr.Web Server using the command:
If an error message appears in the drwscd.log file after running this command, please contact technical support. 9.Export the database of the old Dr.Web Server to file using the command drwcsd modexecdb database-export. The full command line for database export looks as follows:
10.Start the old Dr.Web Server so that it could keep servicing its clients via the console using the command:
11.If you use the embedded database, replace the database.sqlite database file in the %programfiles%\DrWeb Server\var folder on the new Dr.Web Server with the same file from the /var/opt/drwcs/ folder on the old Dr.Web Server. 12.Start the new Dr.Web Server using Windows OS service management tools or the Start → All programs → Dr.Web Server → Start menu. 13.Log in to the web interface of the new Dr.Web Server using the same credentials as for the old Dr.Web Server. 14.Open the Administration → Dr.Web Server Task Scheduler section and select the Backup sensitive data task. Click the If there are any tasks with the Run program action in the schedule, either edit them according to the software configuration of the new computer or remove them from the schedule. 15.Check that the new Dr.Web Server is working properly and ensure that stations are connected to it. 16.Stop the old Dr.Web Server and uninstall it (see the Installation Manual, section Removing Dr.Web Server for Unix-like OS). To check if Dr.Web Server is working properly after the move 1.Log in to the web interface of the new Dr.Web Server. Make sure that all Dr.Web Agents are displayed correctly in the anti-virus network list. 2.Go to the Administration → Repository state section and make sure that the repository of the new Dr.Web Server is updated without errors. If there are any error messages in the product list table in the State column, please contact technical support. Attach the drwscd.log file to the request. Do not take any further action until you receive feedback on the request. To ensure that stations are connected to the new Dr.Web Server
•If the new Dr.Web Server has its own IP address: a)Specify the address of the new Dr.Web Server according to the procedure described in the Connecting Dr.Web Agent to Another Dr.Web Server section for all Dr.Web Agents serviced by the old Dr.Web Server. The new Dr.Web Server IP address must be specified on both Dr.Web Servers in the Dr.Web Agent settings section for those Dr.Web Agents for which the new Dr.Web Server address was set via the Control Center instead of in the Dr.Web Agent settings on the station. b)Wait until all Dr.Web Agents are connected to the new Dr.Web Server. •If you need the new Dr.Web Server to keep the old IP address: a)Stop the old Dr.Web Server. b)Assign the IP address of the old Dr.Web Server to the new one. c)Restart the new Dr.Web Server for the changed network settings to take effect.